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Ken Ham’s Second (Informal) Debate With Bill Nye
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Ken Ham’s Second (Informal) Debate With Bill Nye

I had the unfortunate opportunity Tuesday night to watch a live stream of the July incident at the opening of AIG’s “Noah’s Ark.” Ken Ham had invited Bill Nye for a tour and almost immediately Nye took control. He wanted the tour to start at the top, not the bottom. He was in attack mode and I guess he thought being on the top floor was most advantageous for him. And so the two hour “debate” went downhill from there (no pun intended). I was, needless to say, disappointed with Bro. Ham once again. The first debate was also disappointing, in my opinion.

I have great appreciation for what Ken Ham has accomplished over the years with Answers In Genesis. I have read his books, visited the museum, and attended special sessions on varying subjects. What was accomplished with the Ark exhibition and the means by which it was accomplished is nothing short of miraculous. Ham has also put together a great supporting staff of scientists, specializing in various subjects relevant to the creation evolution debate. Truly a great ministry!

However, I have a problem. I have a problem with this debate as I did with the first one. With all due respect to Bro. Ham, he is a lamentable debater! There, I said it. Shame on me, but I said it. I had to get that off my chest. I’m tired of yelling at the screen, shouting responses that I would have used if I were debating. Not to worry, Nye would never even think about challenging me. I am just a peon. No, Nye wants a big fish and Ham is on the hook.

Maybe my problem is that I viewed too many debates by Kent Hovind. Hovind was a master at it and would probably wrap Nye around his little finger. It’s unfortunate that he got stupid with the government about taxes. However, his son Eric has continued the battle with Creation Today, his ministry to fight evolution. Of course, there are other apologists out there that could do a great job and handle Nye a little better than he has been previously treated.

Maybe Bro. Ham is naive to the true nature of such a snake as Bill Nye. I would hope not but I seem to sense a credulous approach. Maybe he is simply trying to befriend Nye by using the love of Jesus method. That’s fine and it is his prerogative. But why live stream the event and sell the DVD’s when it is an apparent failure? I’m all for being a nice guy but there is a time to “answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.” (Pro 26:5).

I think what frustrates me the most is what Ham lets Nye get away with. Nye attacked the AIG staff and called them “incompetent!” If other scientists agree with the AIG staff, are these other scientists stupid also? There are lists online of numerous scientists (Christian and non-Christian) that disagree with Darwinian evolution. Are they also stupid? Ham should have been prepared with some names and challenged Nye to call these people stupid on tape (or disk)! By the way, Nye graduated from Cornell with a BS in mechanical engineering. He’s not a scientist! Unfortunately, I had to go online to get that information. I’ve never heard Bro. Ham bring that up to Nye. Maybe I missed that part of the debate(s).

Among the many things Nye said, what really frustrated me the most was his conject-ure of life on Mars. And it was two-fold. One, of the possibility of water on Mars which supposedly means life could exist in some small form. So I guess the Law of Biogenesis is made null and void if there is water? Secondly, he went to say Mars was hit by a comet or asteroid 3 billion years ago. The impact threw out Martian microbes into space, eventually causing some of those microbes to land on Earth. It is believed that those Martian microbes evolved into the living organisms that we are today. So we Earthlings are actually Martians! Ham did respond quite well to that statement, but then let it go the rest of the time. Why?

What I’m saying in this brief diatribe is, I wish and pray that someone on our side who can debate will debate this guy and shut him up. To be more polite and scriptural, let me put it this way. “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.”

Please forgive me for my frustrated rant. I’m not mad at Ken Ham. I love him as a brother in Christ. It’s Bill Nye that I can’t stand. Let’s pray that God will work overtime on him, drawing him to Calvary.

Category:  Science/Evolution

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