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1/2/2022 6:25 PM |
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Great Sermon! Many thanks Pastor for this wonderful sermon that is so encouraging. What wonderful thoughts to end this day on. Seated in Heavenly places with Christ. Now spiritually, but soon to be truly so. |
12/19/2021 10:12 AM |
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Great Sermon! A very heart warming sermon, precious indeed, concerning the love of Christ toward His people, for whom He gave Himself. |
1/7/2021 1:00 PM |
Neil | | Tucson | | | |
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No name wrote: Neil from Tucson writes: What name wrote: Time to get your battery serviced. No, it isn't: last dealer visit revealed nothing wrong with it, nor has it behaved differently since new. And as I said before, our Prius shuts off EV well below 40mph (per the Owner's Manual), so your experience is clearly irrelevant to us. |
1/5/2021 1:20 PM |
Neil | | Tucson | | | |
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Jim Lincoln wrote: Mr Trump is not interested in religious liberty - - Mr. Trump is only interested in Mr Trump ❗: It looks like a troll is on the prowl again. If I were to repudiate egotistical candidates, I couldn't vote for anyone. |
1/5/2021 11:54 AM |
Neil | | Tucson | | | |
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Kieron wrote: Neil, what is the Thomistic Catholic answer? If you don't mind me asking? Not at all! I should admit it's not just Thomas, who had a very complicated discussion about faith and reason, but the Catholic doctrine is, faith absent works will not save, implying that there is a faith which saves and a faith which does not. This is where the discussion by Protestant teachers of the Latin notitias/assensus/fiducias (and MacArthur's Lordship Salvation debate) comes in. However, the NT Greek has no such terminological or conceptual distinction: you either have faith (and are saved) or you don't. Faith may be great or small, but it still saves. Works follow from faith, as James says, and are not intrinsic to it.Analogy: smoke is a byproduct of combustion; smoke is not required for combustion. Tim, if my terms bother you, then just say so, instead of nursing a grudge and sniping at me. At least Fundamentalists don't peddle Latin nonsense like the supposedly more educated Reformed do. |
1/4/2021 12:11 PM |
Neil | | Tucson | | | |
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Jim Lincoln wrote: I think I would still prefer hybrid. when we run out of battery power with gasoline engine oil kick[ed] in! FYI, hybrids like the basic Prius have very limited EV capability, enough for parking; plugin hybrids like the more costly Prius Prime are what you're talking about. |
1/3/2021 12:30 PM |
Neil | | Tucson | | | |
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Ladybug wrote: Neil, ...You simply read more into my comment than was needed. It's not an insult to elaborate on your analysis. Pelosi et al are the symptom; I am trying to get at the disease. Obviously sin is the ultimate cause. |