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Sermon6/1/19 1:41 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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The Lord is My Help
Andrew Beauchamp
“ Great Sermon! ”
thank You

News Item6/1/19 12:05 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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i wasn't wearing my glasses and read "Most atheists believe in the supermarket, despite trusting gardens"

my brain added the gardens part to finish the thought , funny how that works ...

News Item6/1/19 12:02 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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remember to pray for President Trump tomorrow

God Bless

News Item5/30/19 11:55 AM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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Victor Davis Hansen said:
"the Dems are hunting Trump like he was the White Whale, remember Captain Ahab" .....

News Item5/30/19 11:51 AM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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speaking of headaches, hit in the head prophets are also problematic, ellen white comes to mind, so does aleister crowley, so will be the antichrist also head wounded

News Item5/30/19 11:19 AM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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Wonderful Wonderful, Jesus~!

News Item5/29/19 3:18 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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Frank wrote:
My only prayer would be if there are any true believers there; they would simply obey the clear teaching that is below.
2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Sermon5/29/19 2:26 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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“ Great Sermon! ”
thank You for this, it sure helps, God Bless

News Item5/29/19 9:19 AM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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i would share my oldest fear, the end of the world, of which i learned as a child but not the way it would happen and no concept of mercy of God for His people in Christ Jesus, you see i was a catholic at the time and the only "revelation" i knew was veronica leuken, when i finally read the book of revelation it satisfied my soul yet i was still in the dark as i understood it not, i have been running around with a worldview that has colored my entire outlook, chicken little, the sky is falling, the churches have become ichabod, recently i have been given a new lease on life, i understand what season we are actually in and God has released me from that chicken little prison of the mind i was in for the last 42 years, now i understand, the Churches are not ichabod, God is ever there, there are more tares than years before, but there is still so much time to bring others as all the hearts are not turned to stone. God is even present in a catholic church as there are baby believers who need to move on to growth by leaving error I would beg of you all to forgive my impertinent ramblings about what protestant denomination is not or is ichabod and other complaints, i was so wrong, Please Forgive me.

News Item5/28/19 9:29 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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ahh, i forgot about Walter Martin, thanks Frank, listening now

News Item5/28/19 1:25 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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comments at 6:31 look at their faces, do they convey the peace of Jesus?
they look troubled at best and little hellions at worst, the middle child a boy became gay
even martians can be baptised
Pope says Personal Relationship with Jesus VERY DANGEROUS & HARMFUL
because cockroaches hate the light, that why space brothers are higher in esteem than Jesus~!
Vatican Owned Infrared Camera Named Lucifer LBT Telescope On Mount Graham, Arizona
Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God
so yeah i totally believe they are demons in the act of spreading the net for the great deception the whited throat of an open speulchre as he spews lies 1:13 on this video look at the collar

News Item5/28/19 12:47 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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same thing for sleep paralysis call on Jesus, all the paranormal that is not Jesus is demonic activity, call on Jesus, how can you tell it's demons masquerading as space visitors or angels of light? or as dead loved ones? spirits?
ask them to confess Jesus is the Son of God and has died for sins, ask them to confess this, they absolutely will not cause they hate Jesus and are in fact demons
ever since i was told by my mom veronica leukken was a prophetess

i knew the end of the world was right around the corner but i knew that veronica was lying, there was ufo activity during her seances she called "rapturous visions" same thing for and all the others, same thing for sleep paralysis, were attacked by the devil God is not a liar
The Berean Call
keep this info to heart as the next 100 or more years will prove to be deceptive as they drag this out of the closet

News Item5/28/19 12:12 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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anyone else getting a malware popup from the link to this article? remember before when i thought SermonAudio was responsible and accused them of kind of hacking? well it's not their fault, im not even sure if WND news is really responsible either
the popup was one of those "windows repair system alert" and a number to call, microsoft and windows will never ask you to call to fix your computer

what do ufo abductions and sleep paralysis have in common, same manifestations, same demons

News Item5/28/19 11:59 AM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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they won't confess Jesus~!!
"Aliens are extra-dimensional beings, not extra-terrestrial. By calling on the name of Jesus Christ for help, those aliens that supposedly traveled billions of light years of distance instantly vanished." i also heard someone say if they traveled to this planet from afar we would see the traffic in outer space, as so many sightings and abductions happen they would have to be traveling en masse. they disappear at a whim because they are extra dimensional like angels only fallen, they have certain powers remaining,they won't confess Jesus~!! 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
1 John 4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. Ephesians 6:12 r we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places

News Item5/28/19 11:22 AM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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the same phenomenon happened at the "apparitions of mary" that have happened in ufo encounters, in fact they have seen these "ships" at the apparitions, ever see old art with ufo's in it? Rosalyn chapel comes to mind, they are the minions of the devil, they come up from beneath the earth where hell is located, parts of our government have a working relationship with them as they are satanists, if we believe God is real do we disregard the enemy He has warned us about? they stink of sulfur, poltergeist activity follows them, they are at the apparitions of mary , and calling out in the name of Jesus stops abductions
more demon resistance literature
they are demons posing as "visitors" from another planet, they brought us the apparitions of mary, this is part of the great deception, the giant lie that would swallow up all who were not sealed, until this reaches it's zenith they can't go much further, they need ufo acceptance so they can drag these demons out of their closet into public, it's called disclosure, they are pushing for it just like they pushed for gay rights

News Item5/27/19 3:25 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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you are not allowed to thrive, eat your processed foods and go die in the corner, remember the diet of Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.

News Item5/26/19 11:40 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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the link is a bad one, my apologies, her is a better article Hell Is Getting A Makeover From Catholics; Jesuits Call It a Painful State But Not a Sulfurous Place

wow this is from 1999, nostalgic link ... lol

News Item5/26/19 3:22 PM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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when they wont let someone read the bible, this logic is used on everything,
my mother roman catholic used this logic, don't let them touch things or the kids will break them, she was horrified that i let my daughters take apart the computer and examine it, now they can splice internet cables and build a computer from scratch, we replaced the hard drive on a computer/monitor integrated system.
this logic is backwards and for people to control others, all my siblings are ever property of mother even though some of them are pushing 40+ years old, i cant get through to them

News Item5/23/19 7:29 AM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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Marty McD wrote:
can you suggest a denomination that has not voted thusly?
can anyone please tell me is there any denominations that keep to the scriptures and won't go social justice?
im now completely confused about who allows what and i want coperate worship so dearly, thank you and God bless

lol, because i asked this on another news story and here i see Marty kind of debating this concept with a link

Hey Christopher and everybody hows it going, good with God i hope, i am experiencing a bunch of problems irl, but now i have a better understanding and relationship with Our Father in heaven, He has been spanking me, i have been thanking Him, to the glory of God

News Item5/23/19 7:23 AM
Gay M Allen | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Gay M Allen
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Dr. Tim wrote:
So let me paraphrase what the little stinkers just said: “We believe that standing up against immorality is immoral.” What is truly immoral is the fact that almost 47 percent of the delegates in the UMC voted FOR sodomite inclusiveness. I wouldn’t remain for five minutes in a denomination in which half the members supported something that God plainly calls an abomination. Get out, Lot, and don’t look back!
can you suggest a denomination that has not voted thusly?
can anyone please tell me is there any denominations that keep to the scriptures and won't go social justice?
im now completely confused about who allows what and i want coperate worship so dearly, thank you and God bless
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