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News Item11/16/2020 9:14 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Glad the gospel is being preached at your church, JY. It was preached at least three times yesterday at our church, and by three different preachers (I say at least three times. It may have been more, as there are other services I didn’t hear.)
Here is a precious gospel promise also: Romans 5:6
For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Next to the word “ungodly” in my Bible, I wrote in my name as a continual reminder of who Jesus died for. Those who are unwilling to admit that they are ungodly sinners deserving eternal damnation will not turn to Christ in entirely dependent faith for salvation. In their minds, they are “basically good” people who have no need of a Savior. They don’t realize that they are “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” and that they are desperately wicked and desperately in need of salvation.

News Item11/16/2020 12:31 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Great article. The Democratic/MSM/social media conspiracy to rig the 2020 election is one of the greatest injustices in American history.

News Item11/14/2020 12:37 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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No, John, I don’t believe in irresistible grace for the simple reason that it is not only not taught in the Bible, but is in fact disproven by the Bible. As for the light you imagine you shine, it must be in some remote corner of the world. It sure as heck isn’t on Sermon Audio.

News Item11/14/2020 8:06 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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“My light is still shining.”
“Do we begin again to commend ourselves?”

News Item11/14/2020 7:32 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Well, John, thanks for showing your true colors and proving my point. In one post you say, and I quote, “Whenever the Diotrophean spirit manifests itself on the forum, it will inevitably accuse others, because it is in its own interest to do so.” And what do you do in the very next post? Why, accuse others, of course. You are such a blind hypocrite that I suppose you can’t see that you yourself are guilty of the very thing you charge me with. Anyway, slash on, John Quixote. Your little rubber sword can’t do any damage. I have things to do, and they don’t include chasing after fleas, so you’ll just have to carry on the best you can all by yourself. Adios, amoeba.

News Item11/14/2020 7:16 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Hard to believe that only 37.5 percent of Nevadans have any sense of morality whatsoever.

News Item11/14/2020 7:13 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Of course it’s a terrible thing, John, evidence that the god of this world is in complete control of the reprobate government of Massachusetts. I fear that we may have already reached the point of no remedy with God.

News Item11/14/2020 7:10 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Jim, as far as I know, no one has EVER come on this forum advocating a “national church.” And I think you need to know that the term “separation of church and state” is a misstated paraphrase from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote assuring preachers that the newly formed republic had no authority to interfere with the matters of the church. It had to be completely twisted and misconstrued to mean that the church should not have any say in government. Of course this misconstruction was and is a product of God-hating liberals—the kind you love so much and do all in your power to promote.

News Item11/13/2020 6:22 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Who is “the accuser of the brethren?” Uh, is it John?

News Item11/13/2020 6:08 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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You can preach it, John, but it’s obvious you can’t practice it. I make a motion that we rename the site John D. (as in Diotrophes) Lee Audio. That way you can have your imperious way without having to deal with us peons.
By the way, Jim, hats off to you. You are the only one who has commented on the actual topic of the thread all day.

News Item11/13/2020 4:17 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Oho, John Quixote delivers a death blow to the windmill of Yee Ha-ism, a dragon that he alone can perceive! His mum must think him so very dear, running about in his knee-length trousers and challenging floor lamps to a sword fight. Ah, to be such a man, a legend in his own mind. Cheerio, Gasbag. I may not tarry thus with thee.

News Item11/13/2020 3:57 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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John, what a funny character you are! A sort of spiritual Mr. Magoo, too vain to admit he can’t see. Thanks for the laughs in these often dark days. Until we all come to the image of Christ, may we st least be as nearly perfect as John Lee from Wales.
Going to ring off for now and go find some sinners to psychologically manipulate with the Bible. 😅

News Item11/13/2020 1:05 PM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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No, John, of course I don’t want anyone to bow down to me. It’s funny that my sarcasm is unacceptable, but your sarcasm, accusations and insults are perfectly all right. But of course that’s because unlike the rest of us, you obey God. Always.

News Item11/13/2020 9:48 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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By the way, if I lived in a place where the people are so arrogant they actually use the word “Great” in the name of their homeland, I reckon I’d shut my mouth about folks in other countries being “proud.”

News Item11/13/2020 9:44 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Jim, do you really think that the same crooked states that are trying to steal the election for the Democrats are going to approve a lawsuit by the Republicans? Of course not. And do you suppose that the same mainstream media whose sole function has become the suppression of truth and dissemination of lies is going to report on what has really taken place in the disputed areas? Get a grip, son. And by the way, now that the election is all over except for the recount, would you mind answering a question that has been troubling me? Are liberals just ignorant, or are y’all actually traitors? Of course if you’re traitors you aren’t likely to admit it until the nation actually falls, and if you’re merely ignorant you’re too ignorant to realize you’re ignorant, so I guess I’ll never know.

News Item11/13/2020 9:37 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Why don’t all the America-hating turkeys display their moral superiority by insisting that their governments refuse to accept American dollars and American volunteers when their own countries are up the creek without a paddle? Better yet, the next time you are threatened with destruction by a Kaiser or a Fuhrer, YOU deal with it. And of course since you, unlike Americans, are eager to be corrected, you will bow down and thank me profusely for my incisive comments, right? Sure.

News Item11/13/2020 7:55 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Virtually all classes in every public school are anti-biblical.

News Item11/13/2020 7:53 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Sorry I hit the “add comment” button twice. At least I admit it was my fault, and don’t blame it on a “computer glitch” like the lying Democrats who are trying to steal the election.

News Item11/13/2020 7:52 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Well done, Mr. President. Of course under a Biden/Harris administration, a foreigner who entered our nation illegally and who sells methamphetamine for a living would receive the same government benefits as a wartime veteran who lost his legs on the battlefield defending American freedom. Until, that is, the Democrats finish bankrupting the country, and then no one will receive any benefits.

News Item11/13/2020 7:51 AM
Dr. Tim | Way Down Yonder  Find all comments by Dr. Tim
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Well done, Mr. President. Of course under a Biden/Harris administration, a foreigner who entered our nation illegally and who sells methamphetamine for a living would receive the same government benefits as a wartime veteran who lost his legs on the battlefield defending American freedom. Until, that is, the Democrats finish bankrupting the country, and then no one will receive any benefits.
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