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News Item10/9/2020 6:24 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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HerbalMama wrote:
Was it really, once again, implied that those that don't buy into fear and propaganda are fools and deny God?
HerbalMama, who are you addressing? Me?

I think it must be me, because I am the only one who mentioned psalm 14:1, about the fact that it is the fool who says in his heart, there is no God.

In that case, I believe you misunderstand what I was saying, and want to give you a chance to go back on your assertion concerning "this crowd" and "mob mentality" reigning supreme. That was hurtful, and designed to be so.

What I suggest is that you actually quote something I said, from my post, which led you to say what you did, and explain to me why you said it. This will give me an opportunity to explain, if any explanation is due. Thank you.

Mike, it is not a head scratcher if the experts are Christian men and women, who do have the Holy Spirit. It is also true that not all Christians have wisdom. How do I know if you have wisdom, or John MacArthur, for example.

I gotta turn in. G'night all.

News Item10/9/2020 4:51 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Mike wrote:
Frank is doing what he thinks best, and it is right for him to do so. It is based on what he knows about himself. It's called wisdom. It should be allowed others as well, no?
There are many people in this world who have no wisdom, Mike. They do not know God, and they have only the so-called wisdom of the world.

The Bible says that those who deny the existence of God are fools. In the UK the Christians are surrounded every day by fools.

Recently, thanks to the work of the guv, we had broken the back of the coronavirus, and after short space we should have defeated it and returned to normal. But as restrictions were eased off gently, the fools, having no peace in their hearts, went on a rampage of hedonism, and disobeyed all the restrictions, thinking those restrictions to be nonsensical, when in fact it was they who were acting nonsensically. What do you think happened? Nothing?

Not at all. We are now experiencing more cases each day than we had in the first wave. Local lockdowns are now being tried to avoid going back to full lockdown, but I'll tell you what I think, bro. I believe the UK will go back to an even fuller lockdown, which might last over a year.

News Item10/9/2020 1:38 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Mike wrote:
Hi John, well let me see. Since flu vaccine is 45-55% effective, but not likely known by most, the answers to the 5 questions is yes. But if doing so makes them less fearful, it’s useful in that regard. Perhaps the rushed covid experimental vax will lessen the present fear as well.
Frank wrote:
Hey brother!
I get the flu shot every year because I am old and have COPD, diabetes and hypertension. So, if I get the flu, I am very likely to die. The same would go for Covid 19. If I am still alive when a vaccine comes out, then I will take that as well. I am not an epidemiologist so I just go by what I think is logical for me. I wear a mask when in public places and I wash my hands when getting back in the car or back home. I am not aware that I do these things because of fear; concern would be a better word.
Hi Mike, Frank, thanks for your comments.

I don't know where you get this 'fear' thing from, Mike.

If heavy rain is a possibility, and you have to go out in your convertible, why do you put the roof up before leaving? Is it out of fear, or is it merely a sensible precaution? Or (as Frank says) out of concern, in this case a common sense concern?

News Item10/9/2020 3:36 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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During the Tour de France, helicopter shots often showed churches dotted about the countryside, and there were a great many buildings called Notre Dame something or other. Notre Dame being the French for Our Lady, it showed how much the Roman Catholic antichrist 'church' focusses on Mary rather than on Christ. Poor dabs, brainwashed from birth. But praise the sovereign Lord, there are some in our midst here who were extricated from the clutches of the RCC and are now in their right mind, rejoicing in Jesus Christ with all their heart.

News Item10/9/2020 3:26 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Watcher wrote:
Indeed. We repent through the power of the Holy Spirit and continue to repent for the rest of our lives. Do we do this to gain some sort of favor from God? Heavens no. Nothing we do can earn God's favor. We continue to strive to live a holy life to bring Him glory and thank Him for saving us in the first place.
Thank you Watcher. You have hit the button with your correct attitude for a holy life, namely, to bring glory to God for his work in a person's life. It is an attitude of thanksgiving "for saving us in the first place". Amen and amen.

We can also say that sin in our life will be slowly eradicated through chastisement, which is not a joyous experience but grievous. Nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness in them that are excercised thereby.

We can also say that God will not hesitate to strike his people down with sickness and even death, for not repenting of sin. There are examples of this in the new testament, and even in the letters he dictated to John for the churches in Asia Minor.

Besides which, because God's seed remains in us, we cannot sin (with impunity), as John tells us in his letter.

News Item10/9/2020 3:12 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Mike wrote:
Sure would be nice to see data on the percentage of cases that recover. But who cares about the very high recovery rate when fear is an essential business, to be kept open at all costs?
Good morning Mike,

In the UK people, especially elderly people are offered a flu jab if they should so desire one, and this is a free vaccination from the NHS. Are those who take up the offer doing so.....

1. Because it's free, and they love something for nothing?

2. Out of fear of catching the flu?

3. Because they like being attended to by nurses?

4. Because they are lonely?

5. Because they believe it a sensible precaution?

News Item10/8/2020 6:05 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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MusicGal wrote:
Yes John. Everything points to the work of the Lord Jesus. He is our Hope of Glory as you say. Not of ourselves but of Him. May He continue to work in our lives and conform us daily.
Amen and Amen! It is a work of God, that he might be praised, and he conforms us to the image of his Son.

And it is not achieved overnight.

News Item10/8/2020 5:59 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Adriel wrote:
Amen Bro.
God alone be praised.
Amen bro!

To God be the glory, great thing he hath done! Yes indeed, praise the Lord for his grace and mercy, his great love, his sacrificial giving, his giving of gifts, the sender of the Comforter, the Paraclete.

Good night brother.

News Item10/8/2020 5:39 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Adriel wrote:
Prayer power!!
Of the faithful.
“Who, among all the readers of this paper, desires to be saved by Christ, and yet is not saved at present? Come, I beseech you—come to Christ without delay. Though you have been a great sinner, Come! Though you have long resisted warnings, counsels, sermons, Come! Though you have sinned against light and knowledge, against a father's advice and a mother's tears, Come! Though you have plunged into every excess of wickedness, and lived without prayer, yet Come! The door is not shut, the fountain is not yet closed. Jesus Christ invites you. It is enough that you feel laboring and heavy-laden, and desire to be saved. Come! Come to Christ without delay!
Come to Him by faith, and pour out your heart before Him in prayer.“
(J C Ryle)
Dear brother, that quote reminds me of mine own conversion when, trembling and unsure of a reception by the Lord Jesus Christ, I tentatively approached unto him, looking for mercy and grace and forgiveness. The two things that were on my mind at that time were the need of forgiveness, and the cross of Calvary, where Christ was the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world by sacrifice. Praise God!

News Item10/8/2020 4:19 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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MusicGal wrote:
2 Corinthians 13:5 says "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith." This is looking inward and seeing the fruit of the Holy Spirit within you. Nothing of ourselves but His work. Luke 6 says we are known by our fruit yes and our fruit gives evidence of our salvation. We don't create our own fruit but it is a product of salvation. 
It is a great joy to see the evidence of God's grace in one's heart and life. It is the greatest proof that one has Jesus within - "Christ in you, the hope of glory".

As you say, the fruit, the work, the evidence of grace, is not of oneself, but the mighty working of the Spirit. Take away the Spirit, and the fruit will disappear.

But many who do not understand this, will claim that you are looking to works and fruit both as a means of justification, and a way to discern your new birth. But these people do not know the Bible, and do not yet know that "without holiness no-one will see the Lord". They imagine that one can be a great sinner, breaking the commandments left, right and centre, quite deliberately and regularly because of an inward nature which takes them captive, yet still claim to be a new creature in Christ.

News Item10/8/2020 3:51 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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"Three times as many people have died from Covid-19 than from flu and pneumonia combined in England and Wales this year, official figures show. Between January and August 2020, there were 48,168 deaths due to Covid-19 compared with 13,600 from pneumonia. Only 394 were due to flu - a particularly low level."

- official figures -

"Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world, with more than 36 million confirmed cases in 188 countries and more than one million deaths."

"The virus is surging in many regions and some countries that had apparent success in suppressing initial outbreaks are also seeing infections rise again."

News Item10/8/2020 2:29 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Mike wrote:
Here's a radical thought. No mandates one way or the other. No one has gone out of business from Covid. Many have from over-reaction to grossly faulty computer models. John, If it were truly about health, it would be equally applied across the board. It isn't. There is no getting around it. BTW, C19 has already had its day. According to the CDC, and they are considered experts, of the alleged 200k in the US, 6% have died from Covid 19. 94% had other issues to which C19 was added. The actual death rate *from* C19 is less than any typical influenza year, including the last season. I don't mind taking precautions, as my bracket is among the so called vulnerable, but I do that anyway with anything that comes along. Isn't that how grown-ups do things?
Mike, thank you, but the goalposts have moved. C19 is now attacking young people in the UK who have no other condition. Universities opened up to students, and now they are in complete lockdown because so many have caught the disease. They are catching it from one another.

My sarcasm aside, I don't see why this coronavirus should not kill a third of the population of the world, being all part of God's endtime plandemic.

News Item10/8/2020 1:32 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Mike wrote:
Keep those churches and synagogues closed. The experts know best. Harass not the mosques. The experts know best. Keep those liquor stores and abortion clinics open. The experts know best. Keep other small businesses closed. The experts know best. Keep Walmart open. The experts know best.
No Mike, just open up everywhere. Let C19 have its day. Let's see if USA can get a million deaths instead of a mere 200,000. Make the wearing of masks illegal. Make the guv pay for the airlines that have gone out of business.

Of course, one million can become two million, and added to the world stage that could mean fifty million deaths worldwide. Allow it to continue, that could rise to one hundred million or even a billion deaths. Bring it on. Who cares?

News Item10/8/2020 12:11 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Sure, open up all the churches, and open up every other gathering of people: casinos, public houses, restaurants, horse races, motor sports, athletics, rugby union football, libraries, universities, schools; let people gather in whatever numbers they want to, wherever they want to. Who cares?

News Item10/8/2020 12:07 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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I would think animists are really scary people, with a lot of them being indwelt by evil spirits.

News Item10/8/2020 12:05 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Is Johnny Mac fearmongering the guv?

Is it tables turned time?

Are we at last going to hear the sound of a huge trumpet blast?

Come Lord Jesus. Amen.

News Item10/8/2020 12:01 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
You are so right brother; if someone is unsaved then they cannot be less or more unsaved than someone else. Total depravity puts them in the same spiritual condition. Here is the way I look at this that helps me.
I put all the unsaved on an imagined bookshelf. The left side are the liberals and the right side are the conservatives, but both are on the same unsaved bookshelf. No one can serve Christ in a positive way unless they are in Christ. To suggest that because someone is a conservative they are in Christ has the effect of dummying down the gospel by making it works based.
I have read where the Pharisees actually walked with their heads down so they would not lust after women. And of course the Sadducees took progressive stances.
I didn’t come up with the bookshelf thought, but can’t remember where I first read it.
Thank you bro, it's on the button.

News Item10/8/2020 3:57 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Watcher wrote:
I have known others who got the vaccine because their doctors convinced them to do so, and it nearly killed them. You have a bigger chance of getting COVID if you take the flu shot, than if you didn't.
I concur. The best way to avoid any disease is to build up the God-appointed immune system by feeding the body with foods designed to do the job, instead of the junk it normally gets.

An example of this is to cease drinking coffee and alcohol, neither of which the body requires.

News Item10/8/2020 3:52 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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John Chamberlain wrote:
The Clintons are satanic.
Trump is a gift from the lord.
The Clintons are satanic? Dead right they are!

I'm not sure about Donald Trump being a gift. He is God's appointment, though.

Adriel wrote:
What you have to remember Jim, is that whilst Donald is semi—moral ........ Hillary is ANTI—Moral. That’s the Democrat policy.

News Item10/8/2020 3:49 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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CV, I didn't think my questions were that hard.

All I asked was, What do you think I should be doing that I am not doing, or failing that, what do you think I am doing that I ought not to be doing?

Just as doctrine without practical application is worthless, so making statements about C19 without a conclusion are also worthless. It just adds confusion.

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