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News Item6/14/11 2:59 PM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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More "License to Sin" SBC Charles Stanley quotes:

"When He died on the cross, He took care of all of our sin. You say, 'You mean to tell me that if a person takes their own life, after all these things that you just talked about, all these things of sins that that person's forgiven?' Forgiven .... that person is going to lose reward."(21)

"A believer who commits suicide is already forgiven. Now I didn't say it was gonna be good for him, I said they're forgiven. They are pardoned of that sin."(22)

[Some others who teach the same are David Breese, Bob George, June Hunt, David Jeremiah, Hank Hanegraaff, Ron Rhodes, and the deceased J. Vernon McGee

"No matter what you do as a child of God, you are forgiven. You say, 'Murder?' Forgiven. 'Stealing?' Forgiven. 'Adultery?' Forgiven. 'Worshiping idols?' Forgiven."

"No matter what you do as a child of God, you are forgiven. You say, 'Murder?' Forgiven. 'Stealing?' Forgiven. 'Adultery?' Forgiven. 'Worshiping idols?' Forgiven."

News Item6/14/11 2:53 PM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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Here's one reason SBC is dwindling. Check out these quotes from twice elected SBC president Charles Stanley:

[quotes taken from Stanley's book: Eternal Security, Can you be sure? (w/ intro and endorsement by Hank Hannegraff)

"The Bible clearly teaches that God's love for His people is of such magnitude that even those who walk away from the faith have not the slightest chance of slipping from His hand."

"Even if a believer for all practical purposes becomes an unbeliever, his salvation is not in jeopardy."

"... believers who lose or abandon their faith will retain their salvation ...." (

"... a Christian who at no point in his entire life bore any eternal fruit. And yet his salvation is never jeopardized."

"... there are Christians who show no evidence of their Christianity as well."

"Consequently, God does not require a constant attitude of faith in order to be saved -- only an act of faith."

"It [saving faith] is a singular moment in time wherein we take what God has offered."

News Item6/14/11 12:08 PM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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CV wrote:
(There is this questioning of Quran in Islam ..had to re-write whole portions of their indefensible woman bashing parts.
I'm not here to make excuses for evil or bicker with Judaizers and apostates. Paul condemned the Judaizers, and Jude condemned the License to Sin people as a dangerous threat to Christianity, and these are the people who have the (Jewish owned and controlled) platform today. Everybody wants to hear they are special and God loves them and has a wonderful plan for their life for no other reason than that they have the DNA or hit the luck of the draw, and that being so special they can go ahead and do any kind of wicked deeds that would get the rest of the world sentenced to Hell.

A religion that gives people permission to lie, kill, steal, cheat, rape, slander because they received license to sin, changing the grace of God into something else -- Satan's master stroke above all others.

With such a disgraceful Christianity as you promote, lacking in fear of God, it is unseemly to presume to tell me about Muslim sins.

News Item6/14/11 11:30 AM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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CV wrote:
Lets star with bible knowledge.
Koran says jesus was a low end prophet.
My bible says that Jesus is God
Isn't the Quran wrong?
The Koran is bogus, but it gets a lot right, but with wrong details. It does not say Jesus is a low end prophet, but calls him the Messiah, born of a virgin, taken bodily to Heaven, and coming back to defeat the antichrist. Further, Muslims accept the NT, instead of spurning it as pure poison as do the Jews, ie catch Farrakhan on YouTube, who preaches more from the Bible than the Koran.

The book of Jude, just before Revelation, was an "emergency epistle," sent to warn all Christians to contend, to fight against the "license to sin" imposters who were "Godless" and who were destined to blackest darkness.

This emergency epistle was not sent to warn about heresies re the divinity of Christ or the infinite atonement, but to contend against wicked men who would change God's grace into something it was not -- a license to sin.

Which is EXACTLY what the Judaizers and Christian Zionists do.


License to sin if you are: Jewish

License to sin if you believe certain doctrines about Jesus.

News Item6/14/11 11:15 AM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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CV wrote:
Virtually EVERY muslim post is predicated with that opener
Then they go on to show NO knowledge of the bible and talk skewed towards Islam, and hate the Jews.
It is common when one has no rebuttal to obvious truths, to attack the messenger. And if you believe Jesus is God, why do you support the enemies of Jesus?

As to Bible knowledge, are you familiar with Jeremiah 50 and 51, not to mention prophecies in Revelation concerning Babylon? Or the scripture that says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom?

When the power grid gets knocked out in America, what do you think will happen? Do you think our "ally" Israel will defend us from an attack by a world who hates us? If so, you don't understand Israel very well at all.

Jeremiah 50 and 51 says that the attack will be so complete and so devastating that there will not be one human or animal left alive in the entire country.

America is hanging by a thread anyway, so attack by a confederation of nations to finish us off will further show the blessings we got for blessing Israel and the Jews.

Those who love Jesus know that the prophecy to Abraham that God would bless the world through his seed was speaking of JESUS, not the Jews. (read Gal. 3)

News Item6/14/11 10:57 AM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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watching wrote:
Christ is still building his kingdom in this world and the gates of hell won't stand up against the Church militant...
You respect Jesus as a prophet. Jesus taught a lustful look is heart adultery,
I'm a Christian, and the Kingdom of God is built in the hearts of believers, not on terra firma. To slander Muslims to be as wicked as Christians, for looking at women lustfully, shows how we must demonize them, even while they live pure lives of fidelity to their families, to provide an excuse to kill them, torture and rape them, steal and destroy their countries.

The Muslims do not take the name of Jesus in vain, and when Mary is spoken of they bless her name. Contrast this to our "ally" Israel, who mocks Jesus shamelessly in Zionist American and Israeli TV, who attacks our ships taking food and medicine to besieged Palestinians, murdering dozens of American citizens and threatening the life of a former Congresswoman. With friends like these, who needs enemies. Not to mention, MOSSAD was behind 9/11 and Oklahoma and Fukushima's sabataged cooling reactors. I could say more.

News Item6/14/11 10:40 AM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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CV wrote:
Christians claim that Jesus is God, while Mohammed had to reduce Him to "prophet" The ONLY thing God cares is that have you bowed your knees to the name that is above every name - Yehoshua
And NO, Christians aren't teaming up with Islam to fight the covenant people.
Double-minded much? And talk is cheap. Jesus said a lot of people are going to be shocked on Judgment Day when they get cast into Hell, called Jesus "Lord, Lord, but did not do what he said." All people are given a conscience, and if the Muslims follow theirs, and egotistical "license to sin" false Christians" don't, these will beat the Muslims to Hell by far.

The Koran refers to Jesus as the Messiah, and Muslims look to Jesus to return and defeat the antichrist, showing more faith in Jesus than most so-called Christians do, certainly more fear of the Lord.

Muslims also don't see a God who rewards people who hate Jesus and persecuting God-fearing people who love Jesus (and Mary). DNA doesn't cut it with God, a pure heart does (and most Jews don't even have the DNA).

God's covenant is not with the antichrist and his followers, or people who mock Jesus as we see on Israeli TV and Jewish owned American TV.

News Item6/14/11 8:45 AM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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watching wrote:
All those who suffer for any other cause then Christ's are not persecuted, they are chastened of God..

Muslims love and respect Jesus more than most Christians do. The Muslims are keenly aware that the NWO is Satanic, look to Jesus their Messiah to return and defeat the antichrist and fix things, whereas most Christians seem to think that there is nothing to fix that a world government and the Christ-hating Jews can't fix.

Jesus plainly said, My kingdom is not of this world, but how many Christians live for the next world and not this world, while Mslims are keenly aware of the next world and its priority and permanence over this evil world.

God does notice the Muslims that they are humble, love God, do not fornicate, do not abort their babies but have big families and love their children. Somehow we are to think God does not care about any of this and that he prefers drunkards, fornicators, and greedy murderers instead, Jew and Goy alike?

I don't THINK so.

America has sealed her fate. As Jeremiah 50 and 51 say, which describe America as formerly "a golden cup in the Lord's hand," "We would have healed her, but she would not."

News Item6/14/11 4:43 AM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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Kl wrote:
Denominations worldwide are in decline why should the SBC be any different today?
Islam is not in decline, just the opposite, in spite of the fact that it is the most persecuted of all religions.

But once the Zionists achieve their hellish NWO utopia, the FEMA camps are all built, the plastic coffins all purchased, and the guillotines all sharpened it will be French Revolution all over again for Christians and Muslims both, anyone who does not love the Zionist world government.

People who call themselves Zionist Christian will fall at the feet of the antichrist and worship him and think God's kingdom has arrived. They will turn in their neighbors, their friends, and family members to be killed.

The name of Jesus will be blotted from the earth, as the Talmud demands, replaced by Yeshu, the Talmudic name for Jesus which means "May his name be forever blotted from the earth."

Many so-called Christians think we are living in the millennium at this moment, a utopia only needing refinement of a few details, meaning death to billions.

Proverbs 8:36: All who hate God love death.

News Item6/13/11 6:58 PM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
there was no promise Jews who returned to Israel and started the state of Israel were even going to good Jews let alone Christians. No, the Church has not replaced Israel, Israel & the Church Remain Distinct
God never said he was reserving Palestine for the antichrist. People who think this way are guilty of "license to sin" religion and according to Jude are Godless.

Israel was always called Palestine. How clever of Rothschild to rename it "Israel" so people with weak minds would equate the new rogue Christ-hating nation with God's believing people (NOT). The antichrist and rebuilt temple are prophetic WARNINGS.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
Identity:A 'Christian' Religion for White Racists
Jesus said, MY kingdom is not of this world. Zionists who love the NWO and want to wage war on innocent people, turn in their neighbors to the guillotine are the racists, also cowards.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
I only think those Jews who became Christian ... have been saved.
So when you say Israel and the church are distinct, you mean Israel is destined for Hell? If so why do you support their antichrist goals?

News Item6/13/11 8:54 AM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
no Replacement theology is anti-Christian and anti-Bible, ...Israel & the Church Remain Distinct. I know that many think that Christian Zionists: The Real Terrorists, but of course they are wrong. So, you can see we don't consider Reformed Church members non-Christian just not reformed enough when it comes to the Dispensations.
Also here is a different article about, British-Israelism.
Standing on Galatians that the real children of Abraham are Christians, does not mean British-Israelism. It's Bible, and refers to the spirit, not DNA. DNA doesn't get anybody into Heaven.

The beliefs of our heart is what God is concerned with, and those who hate Jesus, who mock him, and those who worship the people who mock and hate Jesus and who are creating a Jewish NWO Hell to be run by out of Jerusalem(aka Sodom and Egypt per Rev. 11 -- these are the ones who not only are not "reformed enough" but not even Christians, preaching damnable heresies.

If you think all these Jews over the centuries who died cursing Jesus are now in Heaven, you are deceived.

News Item6/12/11 3:41 AM
truthful witness  Find all comments by truthful witness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Genesis 12:2
3 And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
Apparently you think there is a problem with, Sold out for Israel: The 'danger' OF Christan Zionism
You ought to read the free booklet]Does God Have a Future for Israel?: A Study of Romans 11.
You should read Galatians 3 which explains that the seed is Jesus (not the Christ-hating Jews), and that the children of Abraham are those who have faith in Jesus. Supporting Zionism is antichrist, standing with the NWO against the saints of God per Revelation which says the Jews and antichrist will wage war against the Christians and prevail, and latter day Jerusalem compared to Sodom and Egypt in Rev. 11 (a city of incredible sin and occultism). Have you ever seen Israeli TV and how it mocks Jesus, such as a clip I saw on YouTube that showed a woman in bikini talking to her monkey puppet named Jesus as she nailed him to a cross while he jumped and hollered and called him a big baby for crying so loud.
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