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News Item9/8/07 7:09 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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TLC, you have the wrong Alex Jones.

I'm talking about Alex Jones the filmmaker, mentored by Texe Marrs. You DO know who Texe Marrs is, don't you?

His website is w w w. i n f o w a r s . c o m

You can listen to him online on

www. g c n l i v

He's only 32. He's a genius documentary filmmaker (made 16 films) and dynamic radio host and activist, striking fear in the heart of the Empire, leading an army of young people as courageous and principled as he is against the New World Order-- the Satanic sorcerers, kidnappers, pedophiles, abortionists, treasonous traitors, global criminals who worship Lucifer and plot to bring in the final touches to the New World Order.

Sigh. The Illuminati doesn't have to worry much I guess about Christians finding out too much on the Internet. Seems most don't know how to surf or are too lazy to.

News Item9/8/07 4:14 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Eutychus, go google up each one of those words next to "Hillary Clinton" and see what you find.

Then come back and tell us that Hillary Clinton is just a nice Jewish girl who wants to be president.

This is the Internet. I've already done my research. How about if you do yours?

Survey9/8/07 4:11 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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So Alan, I guess if we don't support the Antichrist that means we "despise dominion," and "speak evil of dignities?"

Same for Hitler and Lenin and Pol Pot and Mao?

And now George W. Bush the same?

You really think the Scripture is telling Christians to support these evildoers? The history books which we study in school are wrong to call them evil? They were rulers, and all rulers are never to be evil spoken of?

Must we avoid reading the Bible, which also describes evil rulers, calls them evil, and describes their horrible demise, such as Jezebel who fell from the tower and the dogs licked her blood. At Christmas we should refrain from speaking of evil King Herod and criticizing what he did?

The Israelites were wrong to rise up against the Philistines? Moses should have never said, "Let my people go" to Pharaoh?

The biggest example, of course, is the coming world ruler, the Man of Sin. The Bible says all who worship him and take his mark will go to Hell.

Did you ever hear about harmonizing the scripture? You "wrest the scripture to your own destruction."

Survey9/8/07 3:38 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Alan H, you say we must knuckle under to any ruler, not criticize them or stand against them.

The Bible says soon the world will be ruled by one man, the Man of Sin, and the world will worship him and slavisly follow after him.

I guess you approve of this, based on your earlier statist comments.

And for your information, the United States is a Republic, a nation of laws, not of men. The men in power are not in subjection to the Constitution, but have usurped it, trashed it.

You say we must sit by silently and approve this, as they steal our liberty and our treasure, build camps and plot to put us in them.

They surround a nation, Iran, with aircraft carriers and order their propaganda mills to stir up the people for war, so that millions, even billions can lose their lives and liberty for the fun of a few elite, who have no authority, by God or man, for their actions.

You quote scripture to defend this cowardly and ungodly point of view.

If Iranian women wear burkas, that is their business, not ours, and not reason to nuke them away. The people in Iraq didn't wear burkas, but what good did it do them? We bombed their cities, raped their women, gunned down their children, took their men to torture camps.

None of this bothers you? You have a heart of stone.

Survey9/8/07 2:08 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Alan H, the ruler of this country is our constitution, which has been trashed and stolen from us by criminal minions of Lucifer. You seem not to give a rip about our lost Constitution, or the Republic for which it stands.

You care nothing for the wicked plots of wicked men, do not stand for truth or principle or against evil and wickedness, and condemn and threaten those who do, even using the Bible to do so.

I know I could well be on a list of people to be "disappeared," but I'd rather be "disappeared" for speaking the truth than for no reason at all.

The Bible says to have no part of the evil works of darkness, but rather to reprove them, and to rescue the innocent led to the slaughter, to be a good neighbor, not a cold-hearted selfish wretch, holier than thou, who thinks being cold-hearted and apathetic is a virtue.

Real men care what happens to women, children and the innocent, and don't sit idly by, mindlessly eating popcorn and watching Shock and Awe on TV.

Real men stand against evil and injustice and don't side with the evildoers, just because they have all the guns and money.

So worship the antichrist, kiss his feet, for you WILL get your chance. See how pleased God will be with you for what you do!

What is the opposite of faith? Fear and cowardice

News Item9/8/07 1:32 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Norm, there's a saying I've heard, "Plant you now, dig you later."

Truth stands on its own.

God bless you. I'm glad to hear you are preaching with the annointing of God and bearing fruit as you stand for Truth. It sure isn't boring to be a Christian, is it?

News Item9/8/07 1:14 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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KK, if you have information about Alex Jones the rest of us don't know, please share it.

But to just come on here slinging insults at him --

I doubt you've ever seen one of his films or know anything about him or what he says.

What are you, a warmongering Bush lover who watches Fox News and believes every word, and anybody who disagrees with Bill O'Reilly is an al Qaeda or something?

You are like a lot of the other narrow-minded bigoted, war-mongering stuffed shirts on this forum who know very little but think they know it all, and are too much in love with themselves to search for or embrace truth.

It's a big world out there, Mr. KK, and you DON'T know it all.

Is this what Christianity is supposed to be -- a bunch of close-minded bigots who mock and scorn whatever they don't understand or don't know about -- without even knowing what they speak of?

Have you ever seen any of Alex Jones documentary films or listened to his radio program? Have you ever seen Loose Change? If not, then you have nothing to say.

If Alex Jones was wrong about what he says, he would be thrilled about it. All the man wants to do is live in peace and raise his family.

You are another who won't wake up until you are riding on a train in shackels to a FEMA camp!

News Item9/8/07 1:03 PM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Seaton, Are you the one who used to post here as "Peter?" I get the impression you are a recent graduate from public school or maybe still in school, and haven't learned how to think or reason, that you are a parrot of whatever your teachers and pastor tells you, and you are only good at name-calling from your party spirit, but not reasoning or persuading by fact or logic.

This is supposed to be an adult forum for thinking adults, and your comments are ill-thought out and repetitious of the same juvenile insults.

You should listen more and speak less until you have something constructive to say, because you come across as an arrogant teenager who keeps butting into adult conversation.

Yes, we know you are a Calvinist, and yes we know you love your church, and yes we know you are supremely proud of what you claim to believe. Leave it at that because we've heard it ad nauseum.

If you think people are going to submit to the Westminster confession because of your childish taunts, it's not persuasive.

You've got a long, long way to go before your faith and understanding matures, so open up your closed mind, do some more reading and studying and searching before you pat yourself on the back for having "arrived."

This is my absolute last post to you.

Survey9/8/07 9:57 AM
Obvious Truth | Words in Red and all the rest  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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JD sez: "Struggling again with the English language, I see! You do understand that nations and individuals are different words, right?"


Sure do, JD.

Nations are bodies of land containing groups of people who live within borders ruled by a government. Examples: China, England, Brazil, Canada, Mexico.

So if, as you say, the nations are going to be judged in the Tribulation by how they treated the Jews, and any nation which doesn't help the Jews with money and armies gets labeled a "goat" -- condemned to Hell -- did I miss something here? Are you retracting what you said? Or do you have a new definition for "nations" now that you'd like to introduce us to from your Sorcerers Book of Codes written to the Jews?

I guess that also means that if you belong to a nation like the United States, which sends $10 billion a year to Israel, plus lots of weapons and other goodies, not to mention the blood and lives of young American men and women to fight their wars for them -- I guess that means that the Americans all get to go to Heaven automatically as part of our Abrahamic blessing?

So, which is it? Is Jesus willign to save all who come to him? or is it that God is judging us according to our passports?

News Item9/8/07 9:28 AM
Obvious Truth | Words in Red and all the rest  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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John Yurich wrote:
That is why I as a Pro Life Democrat will only vote Democrat.
Oh, really? You are going to vote for Hillary? Do you know that besides being a Marxist (ie Commie) she is also a Zionist Globalist, NWO puppet, and high priestess in the Illuminati, in the religion division, otherwise known as the "slice and dicers?" She is also a sadistic lesbian and eugenicist who wants to reduce the world population down to near-zero, starting with the Christians?

Did you know that the Bushes and the Clintons are good friends, also the Bin Ladens -- that they vacation together?

Did you know the whole thing is a big sham, that all these ruthless criminals are "owned" by the same people, and they are all pulling for the same goal -- World Government, death and/or total slavery to us, the "serfs" as they call us.

But don't let me tell you who to vote for.

BTW, I get the feeling that you are not for real. I think you could possibly be CIA, Cointelpro.

Survey9/8/07 9:13 AM
Obvious Truth | Words in Red and all the rest  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Mr. JD Smithstein:

How can you claim you have "convictions" when you change your story?

First you say God loves everybody, and anybody can be saved if they come to Jesus.

Then you say God is going to judge people to Hell because their government didn't help the Jews.

Which is it?


Dr. Nuke 'Em, you're BACK. How lovely to see you incorporating Bush Propaganda Slogans into your monikers. You must really idolize him.

He's probably the Antichrist.

Is the reason you have so much murder in your heart and want to nuke Iran because you hope it will start WWIII (which it will) and then you will be raptured (so you think)?

Isn't the mark of a Christian that of selfless love and courage (ie faith?)

And you call yourself a Christian!

News Item9/8/07 9:03 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Seaton, only one problem with your head-in-the-sand accusations about "conspiracy theorists."

It's not theory, but fact.

Alex Jones is a DOCUMENTARIAN, never says anything unless backed by irrefutable evidence, sources of proof.

His films are documentary films, not science fiction Hollywood productions, or government propaganda as from the paid liars on Fox News.

BTW, how do you like the way Sean Hannity lied, said Ron Paul won the debate because his supporters called in repeatedly -- not even possible to do? Or how Fox turned the sound off when all the Ron Paul supporters were cheering and clapping? This is "fair and balanced?"

Fox's frontman Bill O'Reilly is a sex pervert, currently sued by one of the Fox Reporters working for him.

And Rupert Murdach meets with Hillary on a regular basis to help her plot her phony campaign as a "conservative."

The one candidate who can beat Hillary, Ron Paul, is being shafted by his own party because it's "Hillary's turn," and it's the Repugs' job to put up losers in '08 like 9/11 traitor, homo/transvestite Rudy Julie Annie or one of the other Illuminati puppets.

For somebody who's never taken a look at any of the documentation against the New World Order, you aren't equipped to say what's true or not true.

News Item9/7/07 8:47 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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jhawk, Alex Jones is a true American hero, possibly the greatest leader and example of truth and courage we have in the world today. He's only 32, has made 16 films, just completed his latest Endgame, about the elites' diabolical program of eugenics to eliminate 80 to 90 percent of the world's population.

You don't have to like Alex, although I don't know how anybody could dislike him, but you should at least INVESTIGATE what he says before you mock and scorn him. Wouldn't it be great if he was wrong. He would be as happy as anybody if you could prove him wrong.

Alex is sincere, courageous and selfless. His goal is to fight the New World Order, the evil global elite and their wicked plans because he CARES, he has a guardian spirit for women and children and the innocent, he's decent, and he has a sense of justice.

You just need to grow up, wake up, start caring about others, and if you are a Christian start loving the truth and embracing it, even if it doesn't fit in with your cowardly Disneyland fantasies.

Alex Jones has more humility, courage, and love of God in an hour than most men exhibit in a lifetime.

Survey9/7/07 8:28 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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"I am the only fundamentalists Christian posting on the board now and all the arrows are aimed at me."

You are about as fundamental as arsenic and mercury, just as lethal.

Your idea of "fundamental" --

1. The Bible is fundamentally off-limits to Christians, it's a book written mainly to the Jews, in code to the Jews.

2. God is fundamentally somebody who keeps changing his mind every 10 minutes, about 15 times in the book of Acts. During the Tribulation, God completely reverses himself, and starts sending people to Hell based on what part of the globe they live on.

3. Since Jesus came, God doesn't care about sin, and "his people" are free to indulge because on the cross God the Father, who knew in advance all the sins to be committed, punished Jesus for each and every single sin. Since they're all paid for, may as well do 'em.

5. The Jews are fundamentally God's Chosen, it's okay to kill Christians to advance the New World Order, help the Jews rebuild their temple, install their phony messiah antichrist.

6. Women are fundamentally subhuman creatures, excluded from the Great Commission.

Survey9/6/07 10:53 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Mr. JD Smithstein:

How can you claim you have "convictions" when you change your story?

First you say God loves everybody, and anybody can be saved if they come to Jesus.

Then you say God is going to judge people to Hell because their government didn't help the Jews.

Which is it?

Survey9/6/07 9:10 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Mr. JD Smithstein:

How can you claim you have "convictions" when you change your story?

First you say God loves everybody, and anybody can be saved if they come to Jesus.

Then you say God is going to judge people to Hell because their government didn't help the Jews.

Which is it?

Survey9/6/07 8:47 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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MurrayA, I see you, a college professor, debating, or attempting to, with somebody that acts like they drank a potion and crawled out of a sorcerer's dungeon and wonder why you pick such a large and easy target? Isn't there anybody here who might be more up to the challenge of doctrinal sparring with you that you could discourse with? Somebody who wouldn't fill up the pages with mumbo jumbo postings and senseless blather?

Survey9/6/07 7:53 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Mr. JD Smithstein:

How can you claim you have "convictions" when you change your story?

First you say God loves everybody, and anybody can be saved if they come to Jesus.

Then you say God is going to judge people to Hell because their government didn't help the Jews.

Which is it?

Hmm. I can see it now -- Russia, go to Hell. Lithuania, go to Hell. Poland, Hell. China, all you guys go to Hell.

Sure, JD. This is so Biblical what you espouse here (not!), about as biblical as the idea that Jesus is coming any second to whoosh you away so you won't have to suffer from the WWIII and the Messianic Man of Sin you champion.

You know what the Bible says about people who dig pits for others? Not good, JD, not good.

News Item9/6/07 7:37 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Seaton, I will agree with you to a point, that al Qaeda is pretty much a nebulous sinkhole for the government to blame for all kinds of "terrist" activity -- all mostly done by CIA provacateurs. You know, al CIAda you've heard about?

But to say that Iran is al Qaeda is --


If you haven't figured out what's going on by now, you are more gullible and ignorant than I thought you were.

News Item9/6/07 2:06 AM
Obvious Truth  Find all comments by Obvious Truth
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Oh, dear. I'm skeered.

Not really. What I'm really skeered of is Dick Cheney and George Bush are going to start nuking Iran. God help us all.

I read on Alex Jones' website that Cheney has ordered the media to start doing a hard-sell of war with Iran.

I can't imagine how those poor people feel in Iran, knowing these crazies are itching to nuke them.

I heard that Hillary is calling for us to nuke Iran also.

Please God, don't let this happen!

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