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News Item4/29/18 12:27 AM
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Yolanda wrote:
This issue has a lot to do with 1) fatherless homes; 2) the mothers become more demanding or domineering.
Wicked judges made No-Fault divorce an option to destroy the family structure. In doing so they have attributed to the softness we see in men, and the hardness seen in women.
Exactly. I guarantee, for the most part, gay men come from homes that did not have a proper male role model, and for lesbians, there was not female role-models. It seems to happen more often than not. It's a sign of the brokenness of homes.

News Item4/29/18 12:10 AM
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Yolanda wrote:
Makes you want to cry. It is a very sad thing for our children to see men acting like sissies, and women, Yuk.
Thanks be to our God that we are comforted by his many mercies.
I think it's a human gut reaction to laugh. It's not that it's funny, but shocking. At least for me. I am sickened by how society is going, and I can only shudder at the future. When my boys find someone they want to bring home for us to meet, one of our first questions will be, "we want a genetic test to prove you're a female". Imagine?! Same will go for our daughter. It was hard enough for me to find a godly woman for my wife, never mind my boys.

News Item4/28/18 10:52 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Not even funny, BW. Last night at Walmart I saw a very effeminate man wearing what looked like a pair of women's pants. I offered him a gospel tract, but he refused. Sickening, yes, but still a creature to whom we are commanded to preach the gospel.
Absolutely. They are hurting souls and victims of a demonic system.

News Item4/28/18 10:33 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Watcher Wrote:
"...I was looking for a top on Amazon and I wasn't sure if I was looking at women, made up to look like men, or just feminized men. It's sickening! Sickening.
The "men's" romper is just one of the latest fashion crazes:
No thanks.
Wow! Y'know, Dr. Tim might like something like this to wander around in his cotton fields in, Airy, soft...comfortable. Might be just the truck to get him in a better mood!

Anyway, yeah, the state of society is scary. What shocks me is how fast all of this has progressed! Usually to see great shifts in society like this would have taken a few lifetimes, now it's happening in a few years.

It's shocking and fascinating to see the downward spiral into anarchy.

News Item4/28/18 8:30 PM
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Good comments everyone! I am very much like you Frank (really!). Very firm and immovable if I know I'm right. I wish I was born earlier, as I am very uncomfortable in this world of ours. At no time have I felt like such a stranger than now.

I was looking for a top on Amazon and I wasn't sure if I was looking at women, made up to look like men, or just feminized men. It's sickening! I am truly embarrassed to see the state of manhood today. And it will only get worse, before anything changes.

News Item4/28/18 4:20 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Well Frank and Watcher, times have definitely changed as far as that particular class in concerned. My understanding is that in addition to all of the normal things you'd expect, the sodomite stuff has been incorporated into the to do this and that, how to do this and that safely, as well as aids, as in things used, etc. Gross.
My mind has always been blown when wondering how in the world one gender can be attracted to the same in that way. I don't, and never will get the attraction.
It's getting to the place now (at least in Canada), where most guys now are feminine. It's not a matter of being gay per-say, but it's just the way guys are now. Of course, it comes from the LGBT conditions permeating every facet of society, but there doesn't seem to be that distinction anymore. At one time, you could spot them in a crowd, but now it's me and my boys that look odd and stand out. My wife and daughter are feminine and lovely and the girls and women we see are butchy/raunchy. It will get to the point where men that are men will be looked upon as the sick ones. Perhaps we might even be put in prison for our oddity? Only God knows.

News Item4/28/18 3:32 PM
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Frank wrote:
I have told this story before, but it is pertinent.
When one of my daughters was in the 9th grade I think, she came home and told us they were having a mandatory sex education class. I went down to the Principal’s office and told him we were Christians and I objected to the class. They said they were going to explain things like how to put on a condom among other things. They argued with me for a while, but in the end I got my way and she was exempt from the class.
That would have been sometime in the early 1980s and I can’t imagine how bad it has becomes since then? I didn’t read the article, but my bet is I would have lost that argument today and been put on some type of hate list. Or they would have taken some type of action to remove them from our home.
The answer – homeschooling!
Amen brother. Yeah, we were introduced to that junk when I was in grade 10. It was disgusting, but as kids we just laughed out of embarrassment. Kids don't need to know anything about this subject matter until it concerns them personally (like on the wedding night). Otherwise, you are just planting seeds of curiosity, and that only leads to sin.

News Item4/28/18 11:34 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Yep, frightening stuff, Watcher. Just imagine crossing over and realizing immediately that you had it all wrong. Just try to comprehend that; knowing that there are no second chances, no light at the end of the tunnel, no forgiveness, no hope for parole, nothing...ever, for all eternity.
That fact, frankly, scares me to death. I couldn't imagine being sentenced to hell forever. No end, no adaption, no getting used to nothing. Just full on wrath and punishment forever. Many who don't believe in hell are taking a horrible chance with their souls. There's a doctored video about these Russian miners who apparently broke a hole into hell and recorded their screams and cries. Obviously a fake, but just in that, it was frightening to listen to. Imagine what the genuine article must be like? Yikes.

News Item4/28/18 10:05 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Hey John, allegedly, it was pretty much right before he died, and I don't think there was much more than that to it. I always figured, if true, and I don't know why she would lie, that he saw demons waiting for him (?), or maybe his eyes were opened to see what had been lurking around him during his life and the scene wasn't quite what he had thought?
The footsteps coming down the hall weren't taking him to heaven.

News Item4/27/18 6:42 PM
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John UK wrote:
Yea and amen, Watcher. Reassess is a good word for it. I know that for myself, I began to see the whole purpose of the gospel in a new light, a light which has a profound influence on the way the gospel ought to be preached. I think it also helps to see direction, a view to the future, showing what our Lord is looking to do in us, that he may bring glory to his name through willing servants.
I was deeply moved by that statement which effectively says, "Does he not deserve the fruit of his suffering?" Ah! That brings it all into perspective - the purposes of God, and his glory.
Nowadays, I tend to often ponder the question, "Is God being glorified through my life?" And if not, why not?
Yes, as you say, an absolutely awesome sermon.
How about, "I didn't bring you to Africa for your sake, but for Mine!"! That hit me between the eyes."It reversed it all and changed it all. No longer was I working for ten shekels and a shirt, but for the living God!"

Yep...that was and still is one awesome sermon.

Have you seen this video by him?

This has always brought me to tears, because it's so true for the Christian.

News Item4/27/18 3:27 PM
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John UK wrote:
Quite so, Watcher.
I was greatly helped - and I'm sure it would be of help to other brethren and sisters - by this message by Paris Reidhead:-
[URL=]]]Christian Humanism[/URL]
...which is a short extract from TSAAS.
The full message is found here at...
[URL=]]]Ten Shekels and A Shirt[/URL]
Absolutely awesome sermon! God used this sermon (among others) to bring me to repentance. What an eye-opener. Everyone who thinks they're saved should listen to this. It really reassesses one's motives.

News Item4/27/18 2:46 PM
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John UK wrote:
Dr Tim, God bless your class tonight, brother.
I defer to you, as to an older brother, but if you might allow me to share something I see as important, having seen it through the preaching of Paris Reidhead.
There is a gospel doing the rounds, throughout this world, which could amply be described as the epitome of humanism. Its emphasis is on the sinner rather than the glory of God. It seeks to show the sinner what God can do for him: how his sins may be forgiven;...
Utilitarian Christianity at its worst. It also means God exists to make man happy.

God will NEVER be a means to anyone's ends.

News Item4/26/18 8:44 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
A bit curious considering that America is supposedly a Christian nation. Hmmm.
Pshaw! One thing that has surprised me is why the 'In God We trust' hasn't been removed from your money yet? You would have thought the rogues in the Whitehouse would have got that removed years ago.

News Item4/26/18 8:42 PM
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sakitto wrote:
The new Samsung Gear have a lot of future plans and i really like it.
Horrible! Worst news I've heard all day!

News Item4/26/18 6:35 PM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Yeah, I suppose you're right, and got a little ahead of myself. Let me bring it down to someone who claims to be a Christian, a true Christian, or even better, say they were born again while already in office. I just can't imagine a true blue Christian being able to remain. Kind of like being born from above and still being linked to the church of Rome. How would it work wouldn't, and it doesn't. Nope.
Maybe we should just ask JohnY. He should know how it's done! To be elected, one has to compromise to the parties and groups that are responsible for electing him in. If you are trying to run for an office of some sort, and give a clear platform of preaching the Gospel, fighting against Islam, homosexuality, abortion, etc., you probably would get one vote, and that would be from your mamma.

News Item4/26/18 1:25 PM
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1517 wrote:
According to this “it’s not an illness” logic, ALL things deemed mental ILLNESS isn’t an illness either. Schizophrenia, pedophilia, necrophilia, and the like are mere preferences protected under the same logic as homosexuality, transgenderism.
If something is deemed acceptable, then by this logic, everything must be deemed acceptable. Except Christianity of course...that's mental illness. Ugh!

News Item4/26/18 12:04 PM
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Some interesting articles regarding this volatile subject. The public never hears this sort of thing.

A Long Term Follow Up Study Of Mortality In Transsexuals Receiving Treatment With Cross Sex Hormones

Long Term Follow Up Of Transexuals Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery

This article is interesting as it voices some concerns on puberty hormone blockers. It touches on risks to neurological and bone development, diabetes and blood clots, reduction in fertility etc....there is much in the article that is worth researching

Regret after Sex Reassignment Surgery - Male to Female Transsexual - A Long Term Follow Up

News Item4/25/18 10:25 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Angela, we should take care with all sources. WND has issues with its Messianic Jewish roots. But the source Jim to which linked is very unreliable. It said the liberally biased paper USA Today was unbiased and that Media Matters which is nothing but liberal distortions of the truth, proven to be a disseminator of fake news, was factual. It has been my experience that most of the links put up by Jim are unreliable sources of the liberal left. Obviously you may go whatever way you wish, just thought I would add my experiences on this matter. God bless
Truly, we as Christians have to be protective over what we view. Once it's in, it's in for life. We can become desensitized and calloused toward sin, the more we view. Let's all use the Philippians 4.8 filter and keep ourselves pure and unblemished as much as is possible.

News Item4/24/18 2:36 PM
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Phillip Mezzapelle wrote:
John UK, your absolutely right. At the church that I attend there is a brother with down syndrome. I will freely confess to everyone that on more than one occasion, he has taught me a thing or two about christian character. As soon as you can, pay a visit to the joni and friends website. I promise you it will be time well spent.
I have met quite a few Down Syndrome people in my day and most are genuinely happy and loving. Yes there are those who can be angry and hostile, but for the most part, I have always enjoyed teasing and having fun with them. They don't get offended. They have very little in the way of pride and wear their emotions on their sleeves. Just be prepared with they decide to give you a hug. Being naturally strong, you will remember that hug for a looong time.

News Item4/24/18 1:59 PM
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CJ wrote:
Can't really call it news when we read that the world acts like, well, the world. May the grace we've received become theirs too!
1 Corinthians 1

18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

Not surprising, because the Bible told us so.

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