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News Item5/16/10 4:40 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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The reason they are brave enough to do to Christianity what they are too chicken to do to Islam is that biblical Christianity really is "a peaceful religion." We don't retaliate by blowing up those who insult us but try to show them truth and reason. Isn't that what love would and should do? rejoice in truth. See 1 Cor. 13:6).

News Item5/16/10 4:32 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Is this some kind of a cruel joke. 9/11 was not done by extremists but by those who do what the Koran actually teaches them to do, and that in 109 of its verses.

What is it with these people? Do they like to parade their mosques over and as a memorial to their atrocities? I hear they are planning to build a mega-mosque right across from the site of the future London Summer Olympics. Isn't this the same religion that has the only record of terrorism at an olympic site also? They sure have a history of crashing airliners full of innocent people and creating lethal explosions in areas abounding with the same such innocents.

Come on Amrerica, give your head a shake! What, do you all have alzhiemers disease or something? This is not an American religion but an anti-American one. They hate you almost as much as they hate Israel! They hate you and are willing to do what it takes to wipe you out! They hate freedom and they hate democracy! They hate the west and have said so and shown you so!

The founding fathers of your nation only knew one God and Saviour and that is the one in the Bible - New and Old Testament - nowhere else!

News Item1/31/10 5:08 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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How come our politicians don't havr the guts this guy from formerly Godless Russia has? Maybe they'll gain the blessings and freedom we are losing.

News Item1/24/10 4:38 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Isn't it weird? Pat Robertson makes a statement about Haiti that is at least founded on historical truth and is crucified (figuratively) by the mainstream media. One of the gods of this world, a Hollywood star, makes an even more ridiculous statement about the same thing and it's confined to the internet news. What's the difference? One's supposed to be a Christian, and one's a heathen pagan. The mainstream media just loves to ridicule the one who professes to represent Christ and just loves the god of this world so as not to follow suit with his ridiculous statements. Just ask any of the excuse makers at the University of East Anglia.

News Item1/10/10 6:37 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Ya Rick, but ya didn't fleece the flock for $9 million like Oral Roberts, did ya? Better watch out or you'll get called home.

How did you come short of all that money with all the books you sold Mr. Best Seller? Obviously not putting it into the collection plate at the rate you say you do eh? Not the 90% that you claim, eh?

News Item1/10/10 5:59 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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No other faith can combat the total depravity of man as no others teaches it never mind gives a solution for it.

The proof of man's total depravity is in our children whom we like to call innocent. Yet as innocent as children look, no-one has to teach them to cheat, steal, lie, or be selfcentered (the cause of their problems). They have to teach them not to. That is called parenting.

With the absence of parenting comes selfishness and selfcenteredness or namely sin which is defined as the breaking of God's law; missing His mark; going against His nature.

Tiger Woods went against God's nature when he selfishly was unfaithful (to his wife and then his fans) and dishonoured his parents (by showing what a poor job they did of raising him without the integrity to be faithful to his wife). He also dishonoured God by not fearing to break His law and set up sex as an idol.

But these things are forgivable by God, but only through Christ who paid the penalty for all sins.

But let us remember before we get too proud, there but for the grace of God goes I.

News Item12/25/09 2:38 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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I oppose the Oral Roberts message or any message like his health and wealth gospel. It is "another gospel (Gal. 1:8-9) with another Jesus from what I read in my Bible.

News Item12/25/09 2:30 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Thank God for another Scottish Christian in the line of Eric Liddel! the man who would not run in the Olympics on Sunday ( see movie "Chariots of Fire).

We transplanted Scots are proud to be Scots when we hear of the likes of men like these.

News Item12/25/09 2:23 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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This is an extreme example of politically correct stupidity and blasphemy. I can't see how Mao Tse Tung has anything to do with God's gift of His Son which is peace on earth and (God's) good will toward men (Luke 2:14 KJV).

Moa was a persecuter of those who followed this "Gift of God (Rom. 6:23)." Mao tried to stifle that gift and thereby rob his people of it. Who ever got the bright idea to include him in a Christmas celebration needs to get a proper education or needs to have his or her head examined.

I hope that the allegedly Christian president of the USA will promptly remove this offending "holiday" ornament.

News Item12/25/09 2:10 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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I urge you to read this full article as it contains the actual letter written by these congressmen.

I do believe in the death penalty for premeditated murder. That isn't always the case when a person tests positive after the fact. If a person engages in sexual and especially homosexual intercourse after they had been advised of a positive HIV test result., it is first degree murder.

Once again, I believe in the death penalty for all first degree premeditated murderers.

News Item11/8/09 7:13 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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I Guess Mr.(?) McKellen better tear out the parts about tearing out parts of the Bible too. Bye, bye Reveltions 22:19 & Deuteronomy 4:2! How about that verse that said you would receive in your body the due recompense for your lying with men as with women Rom. 1:27? Would you tear that out too? Doesn't change things if you do. As Christ said, "Heaven and earth may pass away but my words shall never pass away (Matt. 24:35)," and Christ was the word of God who was with God and was God and came down and dwelt among us (John 1:1 & 14) so He should know. Ask those who have tried burning Bibles and failed to extinguish that Word.

News Item11/8/09 6:53 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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In normal police work, charges by entrapment are not valid. Seems here, where the thought police are concerned, there is a different story on this.

Sound like this guy was set up and attacked for his beliefs. This lesbian obviously knew what she was doing. This man was the real victim of hate crime here.

News Item10/25/09 4:56 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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This ad should be re-written, "Good without God for now." Ever see those "good without God" types when they're facing death?" They're either silly with terror at the horror they know they face or they change their "good without God" minds (which some call deathbed or foxhole conversion).

News Item10/18/09 5:04 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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These Bibles they are burning are derived from the corrupt Westcott and Hort Greek New Testement Text which comes from the Codices Sianaticus and Vaticanus. One was found in a junk pile of an Egyptian monistary and one was found in the Vatican Library. There is a reason these manuscripts are so old - they were never used. There is a reason they were. Good Bibles are used and used Bibles wear out!

These two witnesses (Sianaticus and Vaticanus) not only differ from the testemony of the Textus Receptus (where we get our King James or Autourized verion of the Bible from) but they also ontradict each other in numerous places. The ancient Greek texts that went into the Textus Receptus (majority text) are not only much more numerous but also concur with each other at a rate of about 98%.

You be the judge. Would you believe the testemony of 2 witnesses who contradict each other in numerous places or a multitude of witnesses whose testamony is vertually the same?

I have looked at the differences between the KJV and modern english translations like the NIV and NASB and they are markedly different and often put into question many doctrines held by the historical Christian faith. Is it any wonder that Churches that use the modern versions are so confused on doctrine?

News Item9/27/09 5:11 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Seems enticing to the flesh to have 4 wives instead of just one. Proof of a man centered religion that cares nothing for women and children.

Consider the quality of parenting a child would get with a father who cares so little about his wife and children as to be so self centered. And if you say well, each child will have 4 mothers to make up for it, I should say look to the rivalry between Sarah and Hagar and consider if it is more healthy to have 4 mothers that jealously compete with one another over the affections of their 1 husband or one mother who is secure in having all all her husband's affection till death do they part. Consider also the story of Joseph and his brothers and what that rivalry between mothers and siblings caused. Seems the children of men with multiple wives might be as poorly off as children of absentee fathers. Check out the hood for an example of this. Seems like the same sort of selfcenteredness on the fathers' part to me.

News Item9/27/09 4:51 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Reminds me of how school children were indocrinated by singing praises to Mao and Hitler.

Sad thing is often the young - teens and young adults - have too much pride in what they've been taught at school and by the world to listen to their parents who are the only ones who really love them and who've been in the world 2-3 times longer than they've been alive, and have run from that very same world that they now embrace, into the arms of Christ who is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) and their wisdom, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption (1 Cor 1:30, Proverbs Ch. 2-5, 2 Cor. 5:21).

News Item9/13/09 11:14 AM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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I wonder what recourse He'll take when he's anguished in Hell? and that after the anguish he more than likely will suffer from AIDS will still in this life.

Other than directly injecting this virus into his bloodstream, AIDS is best transmitted by the type of sexual practice common to male homosesuals. Will he sue the Bible then? Will he try to get God to pay for his AZT medication by sueing Him for not giving adequate warning of this danger? See Rom. 1:27 to see how successful he'll be.

News Item9/6/09 12:18 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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If God's word will never pass away and God never changes and has no shadow of turning, then why do we need constant revisions in His word? Is it because our kids fail high school English all of a sudden or do they just not teach Shakespear, Milton, and ther Cantebury Tales any more in school? Surely someone who has passed high school English can figure the KJV out. If anything by the context of how the words are used, though a dictionary still has many of those words. But judging from modern church theology, context is a lost art.

News Item8/2/09 12:40 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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We don't need new marriage laws for homosexuals, they need help. Dr. Norman Doidge M.D. shows in his book, "the Brain That Changes," that all sexual tastes are changeable including Homosexuality and that we are not born with such. Many ministries such as "Exodus" have been set up to help gays leave "the lifestyle" and have been successful.

As it is, gays have the same rights to marriage as anyone else - to a member of the opposite sex (as God ordained). Let's quit with the special deals and money grabs.

Since when was suicide legal anyway? Why are governments and people cheering these poor perverts on to their own spiritual and physical destruction? Homosexuals make up less than 3% of the population and more than 50% of the AIDS cases. This is not healthy. AIDS is 100% fatal, THIS IS DEATH!

News Item7/26/09 2:47 AM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Now isn't this nice. Promoting perverted lifestyle in school. Or have we forgotten the definition of perversion: defn. to change to what is unnatural, abnormal, and wrong.

God did not make men to have sex with other men nor women with other women; the parts don't fit and often disease results, also it has no natural biologic function. Its only function is fulfilling perverted and selfish lust.

Homosexuals are not born as homosexual. Having mapped the human genome, scientists have not found a gene that makes a person homosexual.

In his book "The Brain That Changes Itself" Dr. Norman Doidge M.D. says all human sexual tastes and perversions are learned (chapter 4).

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