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News Item6/4/09 4:22 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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At least he shall not be murdering any more children.

They that live by the sword shall die by the sword.

The judgement of God was inflicted upon this man and I, for one, say Amen. Praise the Lord!

News Item6/4/09 4:19 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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The Rapture is a popish piece of fiction brought in to undermine Christian teaching.

It appears many mock and deride history as it speaks out against what they teach.

How can anyone accept that which comes from the camp of the devil and still claim to follow Christ?

News Item6/3/09 4:08 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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I recently heard that our heir apparent, the adulterers and faunicator of England recently had an audiance with antichrist.

I wonder how many Christians protested against this, or were they far too occupied, as appears by this site, in running after the world?

At this present time there are thousands of professors of religion with their feet up, watching the televion or in the cinema, or some other sink hole of Egypt. This is partly why England is such a godless country, so indifferent to God and rectitude, why we have not produced any great men in the last hundred years. We almost did with the likes of Lloyd and A.W.Pink, but they were still half measures when considered against the Bunyan's and Matthew Henry's.

The church of Jesus Christ is so worldly that when you attend the house of God you meet with it in their,as the latest tv show is discussed or the football match, etc., before and after the sermon.

Spoke out the other day against it all. You could have heard a pin drop as embarassed faces looked to the floor. Football flags have now been removed from the cars within the car park. Prais God. This is a start.

News Item6/3/09 3:56 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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A soul must first be regenerated by the Holy Ghost. Once regeneration begins the soul will come alive to see its sinful condition, as it is viewed before the righteousness of God. At the same time judgement falls upon the sinner as quickly and as immediately as when he sees his sinsful condition, causing him to fear and to tremble before the face of Christ. Amidst it all God grants repentance and faith to repent and to believe that he is forgiven.

It is all of God. The faculties can have no part until regeneration takes place, and when this does take place the faculties are engages and engaged in such a way that faith becomes personal, as though coming from within oneself. Many, as you know, do not understand the first resurrection, believe that corporeal being, because they have breath can use their faculties to embrace, as they say, Christ.

It will ever be true to the very last day that its not will power that saves but God's power that makes a Christian.

News Item6/3/09 3:27 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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If anybody truly wished to know what Roman Catholicism is all about, let them go to Rome, or visit some of her buildings over here. I do not know if it is the same in America, but our buildings are dark, as they are all over Europe. One can hardly see because of the darkness. Imagine what the hearts of the participants are like.

Rome has yet to make a universal declaration of all her wrongs towards Christians, of the Inquisition, the almost genecide of the Waldensians, of men, women, and babies burnt at the stake, under Mary's reign. This establishment needs also universal acknowledgement that it buggars and brutalises children, murders babies and hides them in the grounds of nunaries. Will Rome repent of her evil deeds or continue on.

One or two years down the line this abomination of a so called religion will yet be charged, again, with child abuse, and the years after that. Totally unrepentant is this establishment. No shame, no regret, no remorse, is of the evil one.

Survey6/3/09 2:54 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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To regenerate is to put life into, not to refresh life.

Man does not take hold of faith. Faith takes hold of man as it is an Act of God. Man is passive until he is quickened by regeneration, through the power and working of the Holy Ghost.

This is why the bible informs us that the sinner is dead in trespasses and sins (Eph.2.1). A corpse is a corpse; Spiritually dead. No man can approach God unless God draws him out of the grave, to awaken to conviction of sin, toward repentance and conversion.

The mind, due to the fall, is in bondage to sin, unless you are a Roman Catholic Palagian, then there is free will that you can avail yourself of.

News Item6/3/09 2:38 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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So we should be subject to the higher authority. This is correct. What, however, you fail to mention is that when that higher authority passes laws that dictate that good, honest men, women and children should be put to death, we should not obey such authority, neither when such authority crosses the bounds of God's word.

The Waldensians, the Protestant Martyrs and Reformers disobeyed the higher authority and were put to death, because the higher authority demanded that they deny the Lord Jesus Christ. As for your misquoting scripture what do you do in the case of Oliver Cromwell and Sir Frances Drake?

News Item6/3/09 2:30 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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Sorry. Are you admitting that there is an appointed day in which the Roman Catholic Church is going to make a universal statement of repentance for the buggary of children by her priests, the beating of children by nuns, the murder of infants, buried in the grounds of nunaries, the burning of Christians because they would not accept Arminianism and Transubstantiation?

I wait and watch in eager anticipation. Maybe the Mass shall be scrapped and the work of Christ acknowledged. But, then, this shall never be.

News Item6/3/09 12:06 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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Could you please tell me at what point the Roman Catholic Church professed belief in the trinity, was it whilst its priests were buggaring children, its nuns beating children, its Jesuitical armies pushing and butchering the Waldensians, or what it when they burnt the Christians for not believing in Arminianism and Transubstantiation, or was it amidst the Inquisition. You must let me know.

As long as the pope claims to be God Amlighty, and the Mass continues to be said, and no repentance over the buggary of children, which continues, and no national, world wide repentance of these things and of the burning and massacring of Christians and the continued attacks upon Christians, I think I shall leave well alone. Don't you?

News Item6/3/09 11:32 AM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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Rejoice over the death of such a wicked man? If he had been in my country, and across the road, I would have shouted for joy, and pronounced to all and sundry that this is the judgement of God. Why? Because I am on God's side.

"Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and waste, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus, for they have shed the blood of the saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy." (Rev.16.5,6) Not to stand with God is to oppose Him. When wishy washy liberal 'Christians' stand with the devil, misquoting scripture, it shows that he and his children still go about the earth, seeking whom they can deceive. God gave us Cromwell and Drake, amongst others, to crush and dispose of the wicked, the seed of Satan. Many today need to get back to God, if they indeed know God, preferring to have one finger in religion and the rest of the body resting in the camp of the devil, being entertained and amused by him as they sit in front of the television, and nice comfortable seats within cinemas, and bowling alleys, and the like. May God give us me, not mice.

News Item6/3/09 11:18 AM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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So governments have no right to execute anybody?

It is often said that state executions are barbarrack. This is the nonsense of the world.

What is more barbarack than to lock another human being in a building, feed them, cloth them, entertain them until they die? One would not treat an animal this way for you would be prosecuted for cruelty, and yet this is what the state does to so many who are clearly guilty, as in the case in my own country of Ian Brady and Myra Hyndley.

The effects and morals and thinking of the world is bent and twisted, as it the case in attacking and invading another country that is not a threat. Since when did Saddam Hussain have the carrier capability of sending a warhead against America or Britain.

Politicians are corrupt. They work on the basis of social ethics, whatever is convenient at the time is their ethical stand point.

News Item6/3/09 11:06 AM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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Seeing that the Jerusalem spoken of by the Apostle John is heavenly, depicting the Church (Rev.21.9,10), where then is the one spoken of by the Millenialists?

Literalists will adhere to 19th century rationalism of Darby, which places the Bible at the feet of man's understanding, rather than allow the Bible to speak for itself, though such will, went convenient, as devients, admit to figurative language as in the case of Christ depicting Himself as The Door.

The literalist is not an honest person, if they were they would not be so devient, deceitful in how they handle Holy Writ. Their father was the same when he appeared in the garden, twisting the word of God, altering it to suit himself, to lead Eve astray, away from The Truth.

Survey6/3/09 10:42 AM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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I quite agree. Those who teach that believers shall be judged, hereafter, have strayed from Christ. Christ did not make a partial sacrifice for sin, but for all sin. There is no judgement to come for the righteous, only a present judgement for sin comitted, as in the case of Naomi, David, Solomon, etc.

The blood of Jesus Christ, the substitutionary work of Christ shall bring none into condemnation hereafter. Hence, when the books were opened (Rev.20.12)the dead in trespasses and sins were judged from one set of books, whilst there was a book of life, for Christians that contained no condemnation, for there is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus (Rom.8.1).

There is a judgement seat that we must all appear before, to be rewarded for those things we do right and those things we do wrong, that we maybe judged and from that judgement learn not to do the same thing again.

Here we have the difference between the shallow believer and the mature believer. The shallow never learns by his or her mistakes. The mature believers, takes himself in hand, repents before the judgement seat of Christ, accepting that he is judged and vows not to go that way again, becomes strong and eventually is rewarded for his sincerity.

News Item6/2/09 3:41 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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There seems to be a push on, at the moment, concerning Sodomites. We are getting overun with rallies and law makers are bending over backward to accommodate these evil people.

You need to be careful as these individuals are very, very violent when they see the Bible or hear God's word. Christian witness in my own country sees us barrackaded, by the police, from the Sodomites. If the police did not errect fences and stand in front of God's people witnessing, there would be a massacre, as there almost was the first time, which the police learnt from as when the Sodomites saw the bibles in the hands of Christians their surged, on mass, to attack them.

Be safe and be sensible and may God protect you and give you wisdom.

News Item6/2/09 3:31 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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A good answer that is self-evident. Rome always says one thing whilst doing another. It is the devil's way.

The teaching of the Rapture was introduced to take Protestant minds away from the established belief and constant teaching that the Pope of Rome was anti-christ. This has proved very effectual.

If you look at the thread of history this is where it leads and, infact, goes back even further, to Iran. That is another story.

John Nelson Darby accepted the Rapture because, as he said himself, he had a problem with how to hide Christ's second coming, for he was urnest in his belief that when Christ should return He would establish His kingdom, and seeing that his doctrine did not allow for Christians to be upon earth when this supposed kingdom was to be set up, how to separate them. The secret Rapture was the answer.

J.N.Darby is said to be the author of the Rapture but he only received it from the Irvingites who received it from the Jesuits. The only thing that can be attributed to Darby is dispensationalism and the father of modern day versions of scripture, that is, the one who set the ball rolling with his 'literal bible,' in which he attacks God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Now there is food for thought.

Survey6/2/09 3:15 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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We could argue over the issue of whether babies and infants are saved, until the cows come home with daisies in their teeth.

Scripture intimates that the inocent are in heaven, charity should give us to believe they are there. We should not think so harshly about such. It is a far different matter once they begin to grow and to show the fruits of the seed of sin.

Is there any profit in debating the issue when there are more pressing matters to attend to? What we need to concentrate on is encouraging young Christians to become men and women of God, not shallow believers that we have suffered for so long now. Where are the Bunyan's and Calvin's and the Matthew Henry's of our day?

Why should we seek, so to speak, the living amongst the dead? to what profit?

News Item6/2/09 2:56 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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Sadly there are some Protestants that have no hatred of what Roman Catholic Priests and Nuns do, for many say that they would be just the same if they were unsaved.

It leaves one sick and angry that persons can claim to be Protestants and not be outraged, flare up over the above of young children. It is bad enough for the wicked to murder so many at birth but when others get away to attack them in their infancy.

Child murderes and abusers should be hung, not fed and watered and given a bed, and the amenities to sustain their lives, only for them to return to society to take up where they left off. What has happened to our governments. It is their responsibility to despatch this vermin within society, not to allow society to be plagued by it. They should be the first to defend the innocent.

When that chap left that establishment he did the right thing. Would that others would do the same. If there is no audience then the speaker would have no one to pour out his filth too.

Rome is wicked, the seat of wickedness, shows her true colours.

News Item6/2/09 2:45 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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Dr Death put to death, that is some sort of justice, especially to die the way he did. Now he is in hell. Praise God one last piece of vermin.

The media is as much to blame in playing down the willful murder of boys and girls who cannot go out to play, are prevented from having a life here. Blessed be God that they all have one hereafter. The media is evil so it will speak evil, support and assist evil.

It is a lack of humanity that makes for the Dr Death's of this world, which speak, truly, of them being the Devil in carnate for no humane could ever be so divested of humanity to kill a baby.

Each time a pregnant woman goes to here doctor and is informed that she is expecting a child, that is what she has given birth to and eventually shall bring into the world. How subtle is the world in putting birth as a child coming into the world, does not associate it with conception, being another term for it.

Blog6/2/09 2:25 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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Quite interesting. How does one get to know about these events before they occur?

Is there any particular circular or website that I might access in order to find out more concerning up and coming events, as I would be very interested in attending such events.

News Item6/1/09 2:00 PM
Alan Foster | England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan Foster
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Revival is a very prickly subject as it depends upon who is telling the story.

The revivals under Moody, for instance, where not genuine, when examined in the light that we have today, reflective, that is. Thousands were impressed upon to bare the name Christian that were not Christian.

It is sad to have to say that at the present time we have, in our country, lost Ian Paisley to Rome. He followed D.L.Moody in altar calls, calling souls to take Christ as their saviour, rather than allowing God the Holy Ghost to call souls. As we well know we should not deceive people, especially concerning their salvation.

We are praying, in this country, that Mr Paisley may return to us. We would value the prayers of all the saints of God concerning this matter.

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