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News Item9/8/10 12:41 PM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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HornNest wrote:
Do you ever read the rubbish you post up? How than does Masters sound the warning against false teaching? Does he do what he tells others not to do? Ha!
You are beginning to sound like the RC church, which asks for blind obedience, and any dissent is a sin that leads to death!
Where is your Protestantism?!
I sure am glad we have you on S/A to correct all of us ignorant fundamentalist. Up till now we only had Jim.

It's so good to have the two of you react aginst all of our posts. You see, we lack your creativity. We are so dull witted, that we can make comments about the news articles. But folks like you, you can bypass the article and go right to correcting us all.

It must take an awful smart person to point out all the mistakes everyone else makes. I have viewed all of your posts, so I know you and Jim are the prophetic voices crying in the wilderness and you will be rewarded.

Well; Hope you enjoyed your reward.

News Item9/7/10 4:45 PM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Let's remember it is the media that has blown this out of proportion... If a pastor wants to burn the koran, then he has every right to. It's the liberal Christ-haters who are making this into an international affair. If the radical Muslims weren't in an uproar over this, they would find something else to condemn America and burn the flag over.
Graet web site Angela. Vert solid church as well.

News Item9/6/10 12:47 PM
Joe the Protestant  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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endnigh wrote:
"studies in the U.S. show that women make up 60 percent of a typical congregation, he asks: "What is it about modern Christianity that is driving men away?""
I think this is coming from the wrong direction.
God is Father. The male is the father in the family. If you remove the Father-God from the church then one of the attributes you lack is male.
Liberal church today has removed God from their midst. An example of this is to put a female in the pulpit and imply that she is the same as the male. Thus this attribute of God and His law is compromised.
The suggestion is that the "bride" (church) is just as effective as the "husband" (Christ).
The increase of divorce emulates the Liberal church seeking independance, has divorced Christ.
This male-female confusion is played out in society whereby the female does not need the male any longer, she can wear the trousers and go out to work and earn as much as the male. The essential female attribute of the womb has been nullified by contraception, to allow this gender role confusion.

Next stop - Fire and Brimstone!

Wow! Very profound. I wish all who call themselves conservative, would come to the same conclusions.

News Item9/4/10 10:25 PM
Joe the Protestant  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Your Mama wrote:
You might remember that the reformers also have blood on their hands for killing Christians within the Anabaptist movement who stood against the reformation's abuses regarding pedobaptism ect. The hero's of the reformation will be judged by God for murdering fellow Christians
Check your sources a little closer. You will find that the reformers themselves did not do the killing, but rather the political powers. Yes the reformers were consenting to the deaths, and they will be held accountable. But all governments, catholic or protestant held heresy as a capital offence. In their historical context treason and heresy were synonymous. Thankfully the deaths of the anabaptist were not in vain. Protestantism has a totaly different context today because of that.

News Item9/4/10 5:57 PM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Barry Watson wrote:
Barry began his journey on sept 5/46..!!
God Bless you on your birthday as you seek to serve Him where he has placed you.

News Item9/3/10 12:50 AM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Lurker wrote:

Beck is a conservative talk show host. That's how he was presented in this news article and that's the perspective from which I have commented. But you and other aren't content to deal with the facts. To pacify your "righteous indignation" you need to turn him into a preacher so you can condemn him.

Initialy I was in agreement with you on this issue. (I'm not in favor of the Strain at a gnat mentality either) However, upon reading more transcrips of the meeting, Beck did do quite a bit of preaching. And it did contain clear Mormon teaching such as; The American Indians being to chosen people of God, and God sending someone in the last days to save the American Constutution. That part is a Mormon prophecy.

Yes, maybee some folks are over reacting without knowing all the facts. But maybee some are under reacting without knowing all the facts.

News Item8/27/10 11:26 PM
Joe the Protestant  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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DCordie wrote:
Joe the Protestant,
This statement comes from the forward to The Almighty Bible. The source is Tremper Longman, professor of Religious Study, Yale PhD and Biola school of Ministry.
You should be aware that the statement, and the source it came from, pretty well ensures that no conservative will use that bible. I know of Yale, which has not been a friend of orthodoxy for over 100 yrs. And I know the pros and cons concerning Longmans view of inerrencey. If this quote is from him, all doubt has been removed. I guess you can promote what ever you want, just be clear that this view will not find the acceptance that you hoped for. Once the quote become known and who it's from, ther will not be a positive response.

News Item8/27/10 10:58 PM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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DCordie wrote:
Thanks Mike,
The Old Testament - especially the Books of Moses - consist of stories that were told around campfires for generations and generations. They were entertainment as they were acted out under the stars and told in dramatic fashion. They were never meant to be constrained to little letters on a page. To think that the print version of the Bible is the only valid version is shortsighted.
What you are esposing is nothing more than Old School Liberalism invented by German Higher Critsisim. All Scripture is inspired (God Breathed)of God. Holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Actually, volumes have been written by the most competant scholars, from Luther to Moler, that completly demolishes the campfire story. Even if the scripture (which means the Word of God written down)had been told by campfires, it was for edification, not entertainment. Read the Entire Bible for yourself, and you will see numerous times where God ordered the words to be written down.
As to your homepage, it has a virus alert that will not allow it to be accessed, Also with your view of scripture, S/A needs to reconsider your invovement.

News Item8/27/10 12:09 AM
Joe the Protestant  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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DavidD1960 wrote:
Not to change this interesting discussion at all. But I want to ask a question that I would like to get as many views on as possible.
How do you Ladies/Gentlemen feel about the subject of marking in the Bible? (e.g.underlining,highlighting,writing notes in the margins,etc.) Any and all answers will be appreciated.
BTW I posted here because this seems to be the most active thread.
Yeah David; I highlight different colors for different subjects. It helps me with quick reference. I also write me sermon outlines in the wide margin. Some people are not comfortable with marking though. Probabaly because they feel that the physical book itself is sacred, and they fear defacing it. I see no warrent in scripture agaqinst the useful marking and highlighting though.

News Item8/26/10 4:24 PM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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The age Integrated approach is Biblical. But the Blended Worship? Blended with what? No doubt a style coipied from the Party Animal generation. Even my nephew has bought into the error of believing that hymns such as A Mighty Fortress, was part of my generation, and that his has to copy the sound of MTV. Well; I am a little old, but I was not around when A mighty Fortress was written.
So, I'm not in favor of the Blend. Plowing with diverse animals, two types of fabric ect.

News Item8/13/10 2:41 PM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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DavidD1960 wrote:
I didn't realize that these comment threads were "invitation only". I thought that anyone who wished,could post.But that would explain a lot about why my comments are mostly passed over and ignored.I didn't know you had be to a member of the "club".Thanks for the heads-up,I will keep this in mind.
I havn't read all of your comments, but from my experience, some comments seem to be ingnored because people agree with them. Sounds strange, but a lot of people post only to argue. So, if they don't see anything to dissagree with, they just nod, and pass over. Also, some people stay so obsessed with the current people they are arguing with, that they don't bother with newcomers. That does seem arrogant though doesn't it? "You're new, therefore you can't be right."
If it will help, I can look through your posts and start dissagreeing with you. I may have to mis the main point and make something of a secondary issue.
Oh well; welcome anyway to the sometimes strange world of the comment forum. Despite the disagreements, Many folks here are serious about Jesus and His Word. BTW, Im a A.V. preacher. Guess who is going to post againt this?

News Item8/9/10 10:33 PM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Just a thought wrote:
Where in the bible does the phrase, 'accept Jesus Christ' found!! Man, in his dead state of sin and depraved mind, could never come to matter how bad his circumstances may be. The Lord makes it clear in John 6:44, no one can come to Him unless the Father draws them. This 'accepting Christ' is all part of salvation by works, which is so prevalent in America. Just pray a canned prayer, or invite Jesus into your heart, or accept Him, and presto!! Instant Christian!!
All this does is produce a ton of false converts who will die and go to hell because they deem themselves saved based on their own doing. Ephesians 2:8,9 is one of the most important truths in all of scripture.
I am in agrrement with the substance of your thought. But your question, if not rhetorical, does have a basis in scripture. Not all who use the phrase are making it up out of thin air, or just repeting what they have heard. It is found in Jn. 1:12 "But to as many as recieved Him, gave He the power to become the sons of God"

News Item8/8/10 9:20 AM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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the theological task is to reflect on modern scientific accounts of the threats posed by climate change in the context of affirming the triune God as creator and redeemer of the universe”.

Our first Theological task, in any area, is to first determine the Truth of the matter. It seems as if this group has already assumed that man made phenomena is responsible for global warming. The Environmentalist claim that an unusual,unprecidented Global Warming has occured and that it is man made, is highly suspect. The founder of the Weather Channel said that Man made Global Warming is the greatest hoax perpetated in the 20th and 21st century. Shortly after that, NBC, who is the greatest proponant of global warming, bought the Weatherout Channel.

News Item8/2/10 3:33 PM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Rob Bell; the Emerging church pastor of mars hill, isn't far behind this vicar.
Isn't it anazing that the place that Paul had the least success (Athens-Mars Hill)is the model for evangalism that the Contemporary, Emergent, and Circus Driven Churches want to hold up.
They should go back to what Paul determined to the Corintians; not to know anything, saved Jesus Christ and him crucified. If accomodating the culture did not work for Paul, why do we think it should work for us?

News Item8/1/10 8:40 AM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Herald....Publish wrote:
The question 's remain !
Your question has already been answered by Mt. 24:36. Now let me give you another scripture. Titus 3:10 A man that is an heritick after the first and second admonition reject. This is your second, and I believe I can predict the future well enough to say, you probably won't heed this one either.

News Item7/31/10 11:56 PM
Joe the Protestant  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Herald....Publish wrote:
Now just how can that be that someone states that Jesus Christ does not Know ?
Matt. 24.36 That's how. Now, it could be possible that Jesus now knows that time of His return. But while he was here, he did not know, as is obvious from Mt. 24:36. But it is clear that no person on Earth at any time is supposed to know the time. If you refuse to take the plain teaching of scripture, and instead replace it with rationalistic arguments, coupled with some vauge references from the poetic books, then you are not following Christ, but Cults. Jehovahs Wittness does this and they are a Cult. Seven Dat Advetist does this and they are a Cult. The World Wide Church of God does this and they are a Cult. Harold Camping, Familt Radio, and Latter Rain does this and they are Cults.

News Item7/31/10 1:08 AM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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DavidD1960 wrote:
I think we as Christians should rejoice that Anne has obeyed the word of God in Rev.18:4-5.And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
The Holy Bible : King James Version.
although she claims to be leaving Christianity,she is in actuality leaving Babylon.
You should probably re read all the things she is saying goodby to. Anti Gay- I supose she is saying Hello to being or approving of homosexuality. Goodby to anti feminism- which means she is saying hello to a gender role system that is contrary to scripture. Goodby to anti life- which means she is saying hello to abortion. Goodby to anti secular humanism- which means she is saying hello to secular humanism, which rules in favor of man instaed to God. Sure she left a false system of religion that at best was only a Form of Godliness. But she has now thrown out even the form as well. She has only jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

News Item7/22/10 6:16 PM
Joe the Protestant  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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whoa-b-gone wrote:
However, the fact still remains: in order to be begotten, Christ would have had to have a beginning.
This is a hard issue, but there is another take on it that is delt with in the Niceen creed as well as many Reformed and Protestant works. It says that Begooten, in this case, is actually an Eternal Generation. The Son, Jesus, Eternaly proceeding from the Father. Since the Father is an Eternal being, the Son proceeding from him, never had a beigining, but has always proceeded from the Father. Just as the Spirit is always proceeding from the Father and the Son. This reconcilles how Jesus can be the Eternal uncreated Son, and yet said to be the Son even before he was born.
It has been so long since this issue has been delt with in works of Systematic Theology, that it seems new, but it's not. See the works of John Owen, as well as a lengthy treatment in John Gill's Body of Divinity.
Well; I guess we should get back to the topic of the Return of the Lord. [Now back to your regularly scheduled debate]

News Item7/21/10 1:00 PM
Joe the Protestant  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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Mike wrote:
Sure enough. As long as it's a fruit tree, that is. I have a large cottonwood out front that Matthew Henry would be hard-pressed to "know" by its fruit.
He could tell if the cottonwould not.

News Item7/20/10 8:38 AM
Joe the Protestant | 2525  Find all comments by Joe the Protestant
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John UK wrote:
Even John Gill would have baulked at the second Person of the Trinity being slain before he created the world.

......and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
1 John 1:7 KJV
And you reckon he was slain for sin before he had a body with blood? Bizarre!

You are absolutly right brother. I don't think Fred thinks things through for himself. He seems to parrot heretics, and gravitates toward the unorthodox. I do wonder what Gill would have said about Fred, Camping and Latter rain. Nothing favorable, I'm sure.
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