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News Item11/20/12 7:43 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Secession, American principle or not, is going to be pretty hard to pull off. Most, if not all, of the governors of the supposed secession states are not for secession. The communities are mixed and very few voters would truly want out of the Union even if it were offered free and clear. How many states, red or blue, turn down federal funds now? My guess is not very many. In fact, most state legislatures are jumping through many hoops to hopefully stay in line for the next federal handout.

If you really feel strongly about seceding, it is more realistic that you find a way to leave the country as an individual or a family, as I have done. Not only can you move, live, and work in a country that is already established, but when the smoke is clear you can return to the United States. I have been fortunate in the fact that I have missed the first Obama term and I'm praying to remain abroad throughout the next.

I do realize that signing a petition for secession is more of a symbolic gesture, and if I didn't have to sign up for certain websites, I would probably add my name to the list, but there is no way that it will really happen. It's far easier to make changes for yourself and your family than to try and change an entire state.

News Item11/18/12 3:13 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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A lie from Hell with some "Christians" stupid and/or deceived spreading confusion like a virus. That ol' snake always likes twisting the scripture--Hath God said?--

News Item11/16/12 2:17 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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This is politically correct hog wash. When I see it, I'll call it on liberals and conservatives alike. By definition Mormonism is a cult. The truth shall set you free. Although I do think that we can work together as a society without regard to our religious convictions when we support the greater good, such as putting a stop to abortion, I do not believe that we can call cults any more nor any less than what they are. If we don't hold a standard, it won't be long before Tom Cruise and his ilk will be making inroads into the main stream church. Telling the truth is not name calling.

News Item11/15/12 11:26 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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No one can pull one of God's children from his hand. At the same time, I don't want anyone I know to be influenced by this junk. If you want to get especially offended, read the full article, look at the ads and then visit the actual site. It is so condescending and arrogant. In particular you can look at the kids' section and watch the 'purple dragon' video or the series of videos in the teen section called 'Mr. Deity'. Of course there are good, Christian responses to all of the atheist arguments, but you won't find any of them on that site.

I find it odd or at least interesting that the atheists want to paint any person of faith, though this site is geared more toward making Christians look like idiots--won't find a section defaming the Koran, but there is one on the Bible--, as a moron. Yet, their savior, Mr. Obama, claims to be a Christian. If the atheists think that Christians are buffoons who can't cope with the real world without their "imaginary friend", then why do they vote for Obama at all? Their are many possible answers to that question, and each one is more disturbing than the last.

If I've made a mistake and the atheist is right, then I've lost nothing. I lived a life of integrity and love. If the atheist is wrong, then they've lost everything.

News Item11/15/12 4:49 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Look at the full article and watch the video. It's just sad. I'm glad Texas is standing up to this filth. If I'm ever blessed with children I won't let them attend an American public school as long as I'm drawing breath. I would find a way to get my children into Christian schools or I would home school them myself, but one way or another there is no way that I'm letting my kids get brainwashed like this.

News Item11/11/12 11:33 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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At age 38, I'm not so sure I'll live long enough to see the collapse of America. America is so big that it will take a long time for it to fianlly fall. The old saying is that Rome wasn't built in a day, but it didn't fall in a day either. If we do completely collapse, and I don't believe that is spouting hyperbole or being over dramatic in the least, then the whole world is going to feel it.

Some of those who read and study the prophetic books point out that America is never directly refered to as a part of world leadership in the end times. I don't want to open up the can of worms that starts us looking at different views on prophecy, but I think that's interesting.

As I said in a recent post, it's funny how in the days leading up to the election almost every conservative pundit called this election the most important of our lifetimes. As an American I believed that. I don't think the conversation gets to be changed to "We'll get 'em in 2016." I think we as a nation are facing a fundemental change in our culture and attitudes. The fact that almost half of the country did not want this is beside the point. We do have this now--the only question is how will we deal with it? Praying, returning to the Bible, and teaching your own family the right way is a good place to star

News Item11/11/12 11:44 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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We have more takers than makers in America, and that's why we've re-elected Santa Claus. If you give people money based on need rather than ability, then what is the incentive to work? Especially if the money that you worked for is taken from you and given to people who sit around all day holding out for management positions.

As always my comments are not about the people who really need help. It's a bad thing to be working and still need to use food stamps. I just don't like my money going to people who know how to work the system. These are the people who can work but won't.

News Item11/11/12 4:40 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Still getting over the shock of the election loss...but I'm just about over it. When we paint voters in the States with a broad brush we can say that America is in a moral free fall. In reality the vote was more or less 50/50.

Some Christians voted third party or abstained because they just couldn't support Romney as he is a Mormon. I disagree with that line of thinking. I believe that Romney would have been a better choice simply because he and the party are against abortion. However, I respect these voters. They had a principle and they stood for it.

The net result is another Obama term. What I'm more disappointed about is the number of Christians that directly voted Obama in to keep the Morman and/or Republican out. The policies that Obama and his party supports and promotes are anything but Christian. The pro-choice, pro-gay, anti-gun, big tax and spend economy comes from the left side of the aisle. It isn't a seceret. They flaunt it. A real Christian should know better.

News Item11/11/12 4:05 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Well, O'Bozo is definitely Santa Clause for some of the people who voted him a second term, but he's definitely not Jesus.

News Item11/8/12 10:04 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Generally speaking and in this specific election, a vote for a third party candidate only helps the sitting president. It is possible in a race this tight that had the third party voters gone with Romney, he may have won the popular vote. He still would have lost the election.

America is becoming more liberal, and for conservatives like myself, all we can do is wait and pray. This election was touted as being one of the most important in our lifetimes. The conversation can't change in to 'bidness as usual' 'we'll get 'em next time' just because 'our side' lost. Obama is probably going to be able to replace more than one supreme court justice, and with that America really will change and not for the better.

Last point for now. Concerning change and third parties. Many pundits now call for the Republicans to come more 'center' and compromise on the abortion issue under the veiled name of women's rights. I do hope for compromise but not on this issue. Because of the electoral college it looks like some sort of mandate for the democrats. The media will surely say so, but the reality is that the country is about 50/50. Half of the country does stand for traditional values. If Republicans decide to embrace abortion then I will vote third party. Waste of vote or not.

News Item11/7/12 10:08 PM
Mark M. | In the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Calls for revolution or riot are stupid and detrimental to the nation. Besides although Bozo won by a slim margin, he did win. If 'our' side can't even be counted on to vote a guy out of office, how could you ever count on them to have a full fledged revolution? Nope, I think the better way is to let Nero keep pouring gasoline on the fire just like his subjects want him too, and then in four years say 'I told you so' and vote in a proper president and hope that he does a better job.

All this said, I don't want Obama to fail. I want him to have a change of heart, turn to the Christian values that he claims to have, and lead this nation to a healing recovery. However, I don't have high hopes of this happening.

News Item11/7/12 1:59 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Four more years! Four more years!! Four more years!!!

Four more years of me staying as far away from the U.S.A. as day is from night, if I have any say in the matter.

News Item11/6/12 6:22 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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Ultimately, you really can't legislate the attitude of the people. I will agree with that point. The very best defense against abortion, divorce, gay marriage, and any other sin that attacks the family is to teach your family the difference between right and wrong, and to do that effectively, the only way is the Bible. If individuals are brought up the right way by being taught to follow God, then the gay bars, abortion clinics, and divorce attorney offices may well be open and legal--but they will be empty.

However, the government that we elect dictates what we can do as individuals. If you sit on your hands and let liberal law makers and judges take control of the country--hand in hand with the liberal media that constantly pushes their agenda, then you get a society that does not honor God. These people push their agendas on you and your children and grandchildren, and put limits on what you can say even within your own household.

Mandates such as those that require churches to marry homosexuals and force homeschooling parents to teach that homosexuality is anything other than a sin are here now or around the corner. Or do you think Barry O. is going to soften up for the next four years. Christians should not vote for Obama.

News Item11/5/12 6:37 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the you certainly can't fool God and claim to be a Christian when you and your policies help to murder thousands and thousands of children each year. All of those souls are crying for justice and one day they will have it.

News Item11/1/12 12:03 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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In Barry's case you know what you are getting. He is pro-abortion, he is pro-gay marriage, he did stop enforcing the "Mexico City Laws" about providing funds to overseas countries for abortions like all other Democrat presidents, while in Chicago he helped to pass laws that offered no medical assistance to abortion survivors...look it up on youtube and it also made the rounds here, he is spending us into another Greece, and he wants more and more people to be depend on the federal government and the programs they provide to take care of them. This isn't speculation. He calls himself a Christian but he does not act on those values. All he does is give his Christianity lip service while spouting the same reverence for Islam and all other religions. Why should you vote for this guy? If you think you are better off now than you were four years ago, then I guess that's ok for you. For others there is no excuse.

I will vote for Romney because even if he is Mormon, his values and the values of the Republican party are closer to mine. They are by no means perfect or Christian but they are the best choice.

News Item10/31/12 12:37 PM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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...the problem is voting third party or dissent keeps Obama in for another four years. This is what I'm afraid is going to happen. Some of you guys don't understand that this is what will happen. Don't fool yourself and think that because you stuck by your principles or waited for the perfect candidate to come along that things will get better. If you want four more years under Obama then stay home or vote third party. If you want to get rid of Obama and his policies the only chance you have is Romney.

I consider myself blessed and fortunate to have been employed overseas these past four years so that I don't have to suffer under this clown's reign as president. However, a lot of family and friends have had to live in America that whole time. For their sake I hope Romney wins.

News Item10/29/12 11:42 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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If they re-elect the One, how many of the children of the future will easily be aborted because they are inconvenient? How many businesses will be overseas because they have been regulated to death in the states? How far behind will the children be today because we put all of our eggs into the one basket of "the future"? What will be the incentive of the children of the future to work when Uncle Barry will give them a check each month to keep the playing field level? Will the children be happy to live in government housing projects so that the spotted owls can be preserved?

I like this ad because it shows desperation. I hope the conservative Christians of this country know that in spite of what the leftist media and polling would have you to believe, the POTUS is on the ropes. Let's send him to a safe and long retirement where the future can't hurt him anymore.

News Item10/24/12 3:19 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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I do believe that Romney does stand for Biblical values moreso than Obama, and that the Republican party, for the most part, is closer to what I believe as a Christian than the Democrats are. There are only two choices Obama or Romney. I wish we could get Ron Paul, and I still like Huckabee, but those guys aren't choices. If we choose to stay at home, then Obama wins. There is no 'none of the above' button in the voting booth, and even if there were the sitting president would still have the best chance of winning.

I think Billy Graham is supporting the candidate that is closest to the kind of values that are found in the Bible. He happens to be a Mormon this go round. If he through his actions or inactions causes one less baby to be aborted than deathmonger Obama then I'll gladly vote for the Mormon. That doesn't mean I'll become a Mormon anymore than it means I'll become a Muslim by working here in the Middle East. There are 'good' people from all religions and I think we can agree on a lot of issues. Their spot in eternity is ultimately between them and God. In the mean time, let's all choose life.

News Item10/22/12 6:22 AM
Mark M. | in the uae  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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President Barry O the dictators' choice.

News Item10/19/12 6:31 AM
Mark M. | in the UAE  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mark M.
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People have no backbone or pride anymore. If someone makes it clear that they didn't want me around, I'd go and spend my money elsewhere. If I owned the B&B I would have large signs around the place stating: "This Business Supports Christian Values and Traditional Marriage". Then with any luck the queers will boycott his business on their own accord. It worked for Chic-Fil-A.
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