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News Item5/2/12 12:21 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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By their own "rules" you CAN forbid speaking in tongues IF there is no one present to interpret what's being said, so the congregation can be edified. Otherwise, keep it (your "tongues" language) in your prayer closet.

I maintain that tongues are archaic and are not to be pursued in this age. Same goes with miraculous healing.

These are to the church what the first stages were to the old Saturn V rockets. What a glorious spectacle they were and vital purpose they performed at lift-off, but once the astronauts were in orbit you never saw or heard from these components again because they weren't needed anymore. They had already performed their intended task.

News Item5/1/12 12:29 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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"The American people, as polls have consistently shown, have an overall mistrust for non-believers and generally like their politicians to tout an adherence to the Almighty."

The faithful Theist knows (or at least presumes) that he's being watched AND held accountable for ALL his or her actions whether he is "alone" or not. When the Atheist is "alone" they understandably expect that no one is watching, and therefore (understandably) are more tempted to do that which they otherwise wouldn't.

Atheism tends to be more associated with the communist/socialist philosophies while America was founded mostly on Christian principles.

News Item5/1/12 12:13 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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The more feel-good/do-good types in this administration we can get rid of, the more truly smart and actually capable people we can get to take their places.

News Item5/1/12 12:08 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I'm beginning to think, Google is pro-islam and homosexuals!
Well, I doubt if they are ANTI-homosexual or anti-Islam, which (I suppose) makes them tacit supporters of such movements as aggressive as these.

News Item5/1/12 11:58 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
For a little more factual look at the causes, see, [URL=]]]PBS -- Inside the Meltdown[/URL]
I saw the first part of this on TV last week. Even though it's PBS I still want to see the second part just to get more info in this whole event.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
In some parts of the country there wasn't that much fall in prices, and in some areas such as California property prices are beginning to rebound.[/URL]
Jim's right in that some of the older, more established and strategically-located neighborhoods in CA are "rebounding" but most are still no where near returning to their original high value before the bubble burst.

Outlying areas and areas like mine where many of the homes are/were so-called "investment homes" saw many of them sold-off short, which really clobbered the value of our house, just being NEXT to these that were dumped by their owners.

Last part of Mike's post explains the ultimate source of this current problem: Market distortion via government intervention, causing market "correction", which in turn tempts even more government intervention. What a vicious cycle, and what a mess!

News Item4/30/12 12:10 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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me myself and I wrote:
The original order of Letters is
that has a "truth in
advertising" pronounciation
changed to "LGqBT"
which made it even easier to pronounce
in a way that stigmatized these
Lately, the letter order has been
revised to cover up the mocking and
truthful stigma.
I'd still order the letters LGBT-
the president has done so lately in
lauding sodomites...
most google searches categorizes these
perversions this way.
Thank you.

I did notice that the letter-order had also been revised but didn't know why.

When I started college the "gay student union" was brand new. When I left college, they had added the word "lesbian", so as to give the women in the club greater recognition. Bi and transgender were added later and it looks like it just snowballed after that.

News Item4/30/12 12:04 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Wow. I remember when my country (USA) used to do more of this. Hope and pray Korea can avoid the moral slide we hit back in the late 80s and early 90s, and are still on.

News Item4/30/12 11:59 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Scott McMahan wrote:
The current situation is bad for some people, but it's also a great time for a young person to buy affordable houses at historically low interest rates.
True, even though credit is tighter for some now than it was then.

It's funny (sad, actually) but I remember hoping that something like this would happen back in the early 1980s when I wanted a house but couldn't even begin to be able to afford one. I FINALLY get enough money to enter the "lucrative" CA real estate market back in 2004 only to get burned by having the financial "ground" melt under me after 2008.

Proverbs 23:5 immediately came to mind once I realized what was happening.

At least my dad was able to get a 700% profit on his house which he sold just prior to the bursting of the dot com bubble in 2000.

News Item4/29/12 2:26 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Actually Bibles are "sin-o-phobic" (or whatever the word is that describes someone or something that hates sin), not just homophobic (homosexuality being but one of many sins the Bible defines).

News Item4/29/12 2:23 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Didn't they recently add a letter "Q" to the ever-growing string of letters designating modern instituted deviant sexual behavoir? I read somewhere that LBGT was recently changed to LBGTQ, where the "Q" stood for "questioning", which sounds like the evangelical arm of their movement (to get people to "question" their sexual orientation).

Wonder what other letters will be added to the string as time--and overall human corruption--advances.

News Item4/29/12 2:12 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Wharton wrote:
"Gut Think" yourself to salvation???
This is Roman Catholic religion isn't it?
Sounds more like the Mormons' "burning in the bosom" method of spiritual validation.

Can thinking undermine religious faith?

Perhaps, if you're thinking sinful or lustful thoughts, but I doubt if that's what the authors of this article (which I didn't bother to read) are getting at.

News Item4/27/12 4:34 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Jim may be right except for the part where he brings up capitalism to call it "nonsense." And he may be right except for the irrelevant, but typical knee-jerk anti-Bush comment. And he may be right except for the irrlevant point of no money being used in the Federation of Star Trek fame. The quatloo was the monetary unit of Triskelion. It was used to bet on combat outcomes, of which Kirk was an involuntary participant. Unless I am in error, Triskelion was not a member of the so-called non-capitalist Federation. So Jim will have to come up with more imaginative ramblings than this.
SJ, I guess I'm not reformed in this area, either.

I said "reformed trekkie" but I actually meant "recovering trekkie", in that I truly regret much of the time and attention I spent watching that and similar TV shows instead of getting out and doing real things like becoming more active in Boy Scouts & playing more sports, which would've served me much better later on in life, I think.

News Item4/25/12 7:05 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Why, Mike, You were the one who brought up the Star Trek series. Capitalism was nonexistent in their own little universe.
Jim I think you're probably more right than wrong on this one.

As a reformed Trekkie I do remember a particular episode where Capt. Kirk "negotiated" a 33-percent tax (!) up front on one of the planets they were trying to get to join their "Federation". I believe it was the episode where everyone was dressed-up as 1920's machine-gun-toting gangsters.

This Federation, as they called it, probably still had some form of capitalism (using more of a "credit"-based currency system). Just less of it, and a LOT more central control--centered in more or less of a United-Nations-like "Federation Council"--than our present republic (if it can still be accurately called that!).

Never-the-less Star Trek was easilly one of the most enthralling and skillfully written and produced TV series when I was a kid.

News Item4/25/12 1:38 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
My, my throwing money to the wind should be old news, the Germans had even WWII to learn from, or the idiot son of the elder Mr. Bush should have pointed out:
exerpt from the "Art of War" Well, perhaps the Germans might learn to keep their money at home?
I'd be careful throwing the word "idiot" around like you do. Bush may have been a fool as Obama appears to be as well, but we all need to be mindful of Matt 5:22 when using such "labels".

News Item4/25/12 1:11 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mark M. You're also a teacher, if I remember right. I'm assuming there's no ED or teachers unions in UAE that you have to deal with, which has to be nice in its own way. Sorry you have to be abroad to do as well as you are but at least you're not a part of "the blob", as many here refer to our current government union educational complex, and I admire you for that.

Neil, I share your pessimism. Becoming gainfully employed initially excited me because I could then start helping people, which I prefer to do anonymously. Unfortunately our tax code "forces" you to declare your charitable activities or else it retains a significant amount of your (deductible) money. I just don't see how we can extricate ourselves from this huge "middleman", called government, and return to a freer more honest age of transactions between individuals. I think it sure would be nice if we could.

News Item4/24/12 2:48 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Barry from KY wrote:
I think that we have already reached a breaking point between those that work and pay and those that don't.
I wish we could figure out how to feed the kids without feeding the adults that have them. In our state there are many on foodstamps, that have children, and sell their food stamps to buy drugs...
So the government is suppling their drug habit while their children are still going hungry.
It ends up becoming an alternate form of currency. I had a friend who used to hand out McDonald's gift certificates to panhandlers instead of cash until he saw a program on 60-Minutes showing how some would use even these as currency to buy cigarettes, beer, and drugs.

A friend of mine recently tried to fault the US Dept. of Agriculture for this whole current SNAP fiasco, but I couldn't quite follow his reasoning.

News Item4/23/12 12:20 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Sounds like they don't recognize the concept of intellectual property.

Sounds like just another (weird) form of Communism to me.

News Item4/23/12 12:00 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Ron Paul's biggest problem is that he is old now, and very unlikely to win this November; but he can and is developing a very broad base of support (including--can you believe?--pot-smokers AND very devout Christians) that could eventually overcome the next champions of either of our two dominant parties.

As different and diverse as Paul is, he himself doesn't scare me nearly as much as the inevitable and likely very-bumpy transition from where we are and have been going for some time to where he wants to lead us. Once there, I think things will be very good, but getting there could be rough.

Jim's probably right about a Paul victory helping Obama and the Dems in the short run, but I'm reasonably hopeful and sure that after 4 more years of Obama we'll see a lot more people clamoring for someone like Paul to take the reins.

News Item4/20/12 1:13 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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When I was in public school in the 1970s and 1980s, we had a class called "The Bible as Literature", which I don't remember anybody complaining about. Maybe Bible opponents back then were less militant than now.

News Item4/18/12 2:37 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Obscure Star Trek reference. Love it.
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